I'm looking into getting a few tattoos. I've already got two--one kanji one the back of each shoulder (insanity on the left and clarity on the right). I really want to get a few more, one for each fandom that I'm in or for quotes I like, that sort of thing. However, I'm stuck for good pics.
I REALLY want to get Chrono, Marle, and Lucca doing Delta Force from Chrono Trigger, but I can't find a good screenshot ANYWHERE. Does anyone have one? Or know where I can find one? I mean, a screenshot like something in-between 0:23-0:35 in
this YouTube vid.
Other ideas include some important symbols:
crossed-out Konoha-
Star Trek badge - upper left one
I'd also like to get some pictures:
Sasuke and Naruto at the Valley of the End- Batman and Joker in The Killing Joke - I've got an icon of the scene I want under the keyword "TDK batman/joker killing joke epic"
- Maybe something for Riku/Sora?
But IDEK. It's very difficult to decide. Really, I want to get short phrases that one of the guys in my OTPs use to describe the other one. But I can't think of anything good! I need SOMETHING for all of these:
- Kirk/Spock
- Sam/Dean
- Fraser/Kowalski
- Sheppard/McKay
- Batman/Joker
- Holmes/Watson
- Riku/Sora
- Sasuke/Naruto
- Harry/Draco
That's, like, the ABSOLUTE least and I know there's more I want, anyway. But SRSLY, good quotes one says about the other one, used descriptively? Thoughts, anyone? *headdesk*