EPIC Multi-Fandom Fic Rec List

Aug 17, 2010 19:33

Hokay. This is for all the fics that make me go HOMG!! I highly recommend these fics to EVERYONE, although of course it's best if you know the fandom. They're pretty much awesome in every way. I'll update this post as necessary, but I'm incredibly picky so be forewarned.

I've sorted the fics alphabetically: first by series, then by author, then by title. So a few authors will appear more than once in different series, but I thought the fandom was the first and most obvious thing to sort by. Any fics written anonymously are at the very end of the fandom list under anonymous--I think these are only kink meme fics, though.

ALSO: I only wrote down the author's summary. I haven't included my opinion of the fic, warnings, ratings, or anything else. I only mentioned if it was the first in a series. Some are funny, some are serious. Some have sex, some don't. But a good fic is a good fic regardless of the specifics of content, IMHO. ♥

FINALLY: Please comment if you notice any errors! I'll fix them as quickly as possible. Thank you! ♥


To be updated.

Criminal Minds:

- carolinecrane
- Foundations; Morgan/Reid. Summary: Morgan shows Reid the merits of working with your hands. (First in a series.)

- erikssiren
- The Five Phone Calls Spencer Reid Never Made to Derek Morgan and the One He Didn't Need to Make; Morgan/Reid. Summary: Does what it says on the tin, written in response to the "five times" prompt at criminal_prompt. Reid's POV. Spoilers for The Fisher King Part 1 and 2, The Big Game, Revelations, Jones, Profiler, Profiled, In Name and Blood, Minimal Loss and Nameless, Faceless.

- severity_softly
- Never Would It Be Night, But Always Clear Day; Morgan/Reid. Summary: Reid and Morgan go to Vegas so Morgan can "meet" Diana Reid again, this time as Reid's boyfriend.

Due South:

- cherryice
- Shells (Nothing But Blue Skies Remix); Fraser/RayK. Summary: Days like these are few and far between.

- destina
- Twice Descending; Fraser/RayK. Summary: No summary provided by author.

- estrella30
- The Other Side of Snow ; Fraser/RayK. Summary: estrella has pms and everyone has to suffer. or, you know, angsty-ish post cotw fic.

- hth
- Sibylla ti theleis; RayV/Stella, slight Fraser/RayK, one-sided Fraser/RayV. Nosummary provided by author.

- minervacat
- That's Where All of the Gangsters Live; RayK gen with a side of Fraser/RayK. Summary: Ray loves Stella like he loves breathing, loves Fraser like he loves his tattoo, loves Chicago like he loves everything permanent in his life.

- miriam_heddy
- Unassuming; Fraser/RayK. Summary: Sometimes it is what it looks like.

- pearl_o
- The Outline of a Circle; Fraser/RayK. Summary: Fraser searches for significance in airports, weddings, and hotel bathrooms.

- resonant8
- Broadway Hotel; Fraser/RayK. Summary: The expedition's over, and Ray has to learn how to be himself again.

- Speranza, a.k.a. cesperanza
- An Admirable Solution; Fraser/RayK. Summary: Having sex with Fraser was great, but it was still kind of like being punched out by an orgasm. Which was kind of fun, but ow.
- Wildly Dangerous Ways; Fraser/RayK. Summary: "Cause Fraser and me are starting to fuck outside of crime scenes!"

- sprat
- Recompense; Fraser/RayK. No summary provided by author.

Final Fantasy:

To be updated.

Fullmetal Alchemist:

To be updated.

Harry Potter:

To be updated.


- andrealyn
- In My Own Skin; Arthur/Eames. Summary: Eames has been having a little technical difficulty with his switching. Written for a prompt on the Inception kink meme.

- cobweb_diamond
- Life In Virtual Reality; Arthur/Eames. Summary: 'Reality's creeping into your dreams, Eames. Your security's going to be ruined if you can't get rid of me.' Eames finds himself haunted by projections of Arthur.

- enjambament
- In The Space Between Them; Arthur/Eames. Summary: Ariadne watches Arthur and Eames. There is something there in the way they watch each other, in the way the lines of Arthur's back tense beneath his pinstriped suit when Eames flicks him, but she doesn't know what she's looking for.

- foxxcub
- The Kind You Could Sing; Arthur/Eames, slight Cobb/Ariadne. Summary: Eames turns to him during a simple blueprint discussion and says casually, "You settled late, didn't you?" Or, an Inception/His Dark Materials fusion fic.

- greenpixiehair
- Breaking Point; Arthur/Eames. Prompt: MORE ANGST. Eames flirts and Arthur ignores, but not because he doesn't feel the same way; he's just afraid. One day, Eames takes his flirtation a little too far. Cue Arthur having a (mini/huge) breakdown, then hot, tender lovin'.

- hackthis
- Hotter Than Tales of Crack Peddlin'; Arthur/Eames. No summary provided by author.

- ifeelbetter
- Untitled - Arthur/Eames. Prompt: Arthur/Eames. During a mission Arthur accidentally falls asleep resting against Eames. When he wakes, he realizes it's the best sleep he's ever had and schemes to do it again (and again and again). Eames enjoys it.

- knowmydark aka That.Other.Boleyn.Girl
- Alone; Arthur/Eames. Summary: Eames' inability to concentrate on the job is Arthur's fault, and it could end them both in Limbo. Eames/Arthur, slash, One-Shot.

- sparky77
- Dull Boy; Arthur/Eames. Summary: "Don't bore me with the petty details. Just tell me what sort of masks we'll all be wearing while we rob this bank. I hope it's not dead U.S. presidents. That's so overdone."


- allothi
- Excerpts: Merlin Keeps His Secret; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: Merlin found that he was always watching Arthur.
- Practical Volitation; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: Merlin learns to fly. (Literally).

- ankaret
- Camlann; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: On the morning before battle, Merlin helps Arthur put his armour on one more time.

- b_hallward
- Lay of the White Hart; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: Arthur really is much better at noticing some things than others.

- bemycasualty
- The Path Was Invisible But Still I Jumped; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: Secrets haunt Morgana's dreams. Merlin agrees to help, but fears the final price.

- definewisdom
- The Walls Have Ears; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: The walls have ears… and mouths. Merlin starts learning things, some of which he really wishes he could unlearn.

- enjambament
- Fleet of Foot; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: These days, Arthur is as grey as the sky and she wants to cry for Merlin's absence because Arthur won't, but they are playing a waiting game and soon enough the King will be made of light again.
- The Seven Worst Kept Secrets of Camelot; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: Detailing those certain things which every child of Camelot grows up hearing stories about and would swear on their life to have never heard.

- fromward
- The Great In-Between; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: Arthur stared at him, looking flummoxed. ‘My father has Druids picked up for execution, not employment.'

- greensilver
- The Last Word by; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: The moments just before death have become something passed back and forth between them over the years.

- hariboo_smirks
- The Sole of Our Shoes are All Worn Down; Arthur/Merlin, Gwen/Morgana. Summary: It makes sense that Morgana finds out first. Of course, it makes it messier when Arthur does.

- novel_conundrum
- Auspicious Symbols All; Arthur/Merlin. Prompt: Arthur/Merlin, without moral compass their love is a dangerous thing; all of Albion is aquiver.

- oxoniensis
- Backfire; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: In which there are giant ears, a curious cat, backfiring spells, a stick figure Arthur, some unfortunate truths and some very welcome ones.

- ras_elased>
- <a href=
What You Carry With You; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: Truth and knowledge are just as heavy as any yoke around the neck. For all Arthur's posturing, he is not Atlas, and he can't shoulder the weight of the world.

- strangeumbrella
- Cross You Off My List; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: There is every reason in the world for Arthur to hate Merlin to pieces, and yet he can't seem to make it work that way.

- takadainmate
- The History of Two Conversations (On Paper); Arthur/Merlin. Summary: Arthur/Merlin. Books are defaced. But it's all for a good cause. Really.
- The World Under Heaven, All Here is Lent; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: Arthur/Merlin. H/C. Arthur and Merlin survive. Part 2 Summary: Arthur and Merlin have only each other.

- toestastegood
- The Truth of Who We Are; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: When King Uther dies, Merlin knows exactly where he has to be. He returns to Camelot after years in exile to help Arthur in his new role as king.

- valderys
- Double-Edged Sword; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: I wrote this to explore a piece of Merlin legend that the show hasn't exploited - namely that Merlin is so very powerful because he, or his memory, at least, is progressing backwards :)

- waldorph
- The Weight of Words; Arthur/Merlin. Summary: Merlin is not the only one for whom words have power.


To be updated.

Sherlock Holmes:

- candle_beck
- This Day to the Ending of the World; Holmes/Watson. No summary provided by author.

- JaneTurenne
- Cryptology; Holmes/Watson. Summary: Watson makes a sacrifice to save himself and Holmes, but the consequences are more varied and far-reaching than anyone could have suspected.

- lastling
- Discombobulate (or the Unnatural Gay Shenanigans of Sherlock Holmes and His Dear Watson); Holmes/Watson. Summary: In which Sherlock Holmes pines, Watson gets married (eventually), and Holmes makes a prediction that is utterly destroyed by Watson.
- Profound Internal Thoughts Had by Sherlock Holmes While Killing Men with Harpoons; Holmes/Watson. Summary: In which Holmes goes on cases, kills people with harpoons, and Watson is a litttle bit freaked out.
- The Midnight Man; Holmes/Watson. Summary: In which Holmes is a criminal, Watson has trouble with the law, and it's all based on this prompt.

- nlr alicia
- Intimations; Holmes/Watson. Summary: The first in a series of stories exploring the friendships between Holmes, Watson, Lestrade and the Lestrade family. All of the Lestrade Chronicles are based on documents entrusted to the care of Samuel Lestrade by various first-hand sources.

- paperclipbitch
- These Things Were Promises; Holmes/Watson. Summary: Set pre-movie. Watson has had to take a brutal course in being honest with himself so nothing Holmes says will ever be a surprise. (First in a series.)

- anonymous
- Quicksand; Holmes/Wetson. Prompt: Holmes gets shot. Watson gets angry. Watson has to take out the bullet. Kink: Medical fetishism and (penetrative) somnophilia. Basically, I want war ravaged, bitter bastard!Watson putting Holmes under anesthesia and fucking him hard against whatever he happens to be using as an examination table. And he leaves his gloves on.
- What Manner of World; Holmes/Watson. Prompt: From a list of kinks: "Well-fucked (being fucked out; fuck-dazed; sated and sleepy; wrecked; softened and debauched)". I want Holmes well-fucked and sleepy while Watson admires the view. Top!Watson preferred.

Star Trek:

- anowlinsunshine
- Don't Last Like the Feeling; Kirk/Spock. Prompt: Kirk and Spock's relationship developing while Spock is still involved with Uhura (really short summary).
- Nature, Structure, Variation Of; Kirk/Spock. Prompt: Kirk/Spock -- Kirk straddling Spock in the Captain's chair and talking dirty.

- Jaylee
- Inevitability; Kirk/Spock. No summary provided by author.

- jenlynn820
- Through the Glass Darkly; Kirk/Spock. Summary: Jim Kirk got a lot more from that mind meld than he ever bargained for.

- K'Sal
- Incident Report; Kirk/Spock, TOS. Summary: Kirk sends Spock an incident report, but Spock claims there wasn't an incident. Just what exactly is going on here?

- raphaela667
- We Learn Each Other Slowly; Kirk/Spock. Summary: Because this is a normal relationship that progresses along normal lines at a normal speed. Because either of them even knows what a normal relationship might look like.

- rhaegal
- Compatibility Test; Kirk/Spock. Summary: In which Spock learns about human relationships, and Kirk learns a thing or two about Vulcans.

Stargate Atlantis:

- astolat, a.k.a. shalott
- Transcendental; John/Rodney. Summary: tran·scen·den·tal (trăn'sĕn-dĕn'tl) adj. 1. Philosophy. Concerned with the a priori or intuitive basis of knowledge as independent of experience. 2. Surpassing all others; superior. 3. Beyond common thought or experience. 4. Mathematics. Of or relating to a real or complex number that is not the root of any polynomial that has positive degree and rational coefficients.

- auburnnothenna
- Patchwork; John/Rodney. Summary: People are all made up of pieces of each other. Sheppard and McKay are just more obvious about it.

- cimness, a.k.a. cimorene
- Instantaneous; John/Rodney. Summary: "God, life is so unfair. I find what appears to be the sole personal teleportation device in the city, it decides it likes you, and what do you do with it? Save the city with a stunning feat of bravery and tactical prowess? No. You don't even bring me coffee--you use it to increase your repertoire of juvenile humour with a prank that three-year-olds have been carrying off successfully without teleportation probably for centuries."

- crysothemis
- Ways to Die in the Pegasus Galaxy; John/Rodney. Summary: Since when was sleeping together -- really, just sleeping -- some kind of a kink?

- fiercelydreamed
- Unidentified: Index Post. Unidentified; John/Rodney. Summary: Fourteen years, eight months, and seven days after John and Rodney meet, the clock starts all over again. Sequel: Coda; John/Rodney. Summary: In music: a more or less independent passage, at the end of a composition, introduced to bring it to a satisfactory close.

- rinsbane
- And Glory Has No End; or, Clementine; John/Rodney. Summary: Futurefic. I would summarize this fic as: where you go, there will I go, and where you lodge, there will I lodge. Not a love song, but a romance. A reader who wants to know what it's about might prefer: the expedition runs out of energy and has to abandon Atlantis to return to Earth.
- Aspects of Divinity (the world is my oyster); John/Rodney. Summary: The summer John is eighteen, he drives an ice cream truck. He hasn’t yet learned there are things he can’t do just because he wants to badly enough. Or, a fic about seeing the map of the world.

- semivowel
- Where You Want To Be; John/Rodney. Summary: John's used to not getting what he wants. Includes: public sex, the good drugs, the bad drugs, penis-shaped fruit, Dancing!Rodney, and the ping pong ball from hell.

- Speranza, a.k.a. cesperanza
- 3 Lovers; John/Rodney/Teyla/Ronon. Summary: Teyla had heard an Atlantian aphorism that seemed to express it: "I wouldn't throw him out of bed." Sequel: Snowed In; John/Rodney; cross-over with a Due South fic.
- Anti-ClimaxBenched; John/Rodney. Summary: "I've learned so much from you."
- Fat My Dust; John/Rodney. Summary: It turned out that all of life was pretty much like fifth grade.
- Friendly; John/Rodney. Summary: "I didn't know you knew him," John said.
"We were friendly," Rodney said.
- Kid A; John/Rodney. Summary: "I'm not gay, Rodney," John says, and it's awkward to have to say it, but it really has to be said.
- Learn Something New; John/Rodney. Summary: "This isn't a vacation!" Rodney shouted. "This is about declassifying research that's going to change the course of physics!"
- Like A Long, Slow Nervous Breakdown; John/Rodney. Summary: To be fair, the first time it happened, he had a head wound.
- MVP; John/Rodney. Summary: He has a highly regressive personality and may be impulsive, engaging in acts of compulsive and pleasurable wish-fulfillment. He is secretly a moralist, though he will act to save others even as he judges them. However, his is a personality always on the verge of disintegration: he does not have a strongly drawn line between "self" and "other" and is likely to engage in acts of reckless self-disregard. Very probably homosexual.
- Sheppard's Law; John/Rodney. Summary: "Weird? You don't know what weird is. Weird is being in a-- with the-- and the crazy alien--" He stopped, incoherent, hands flailing. "And then your best friend is twelve, and you're his piano teacher. That--now, you're talking weird!"
- Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead; John/Rodney. Summary: "Any plans for shore leave?" Rodney asks, and this time Sheppard doesn't even look at him.
- War Bride; John/Rodney. Summary: a project for the Artword "Illustrative Typography" challenge.
- Written By The Victors; John/Rodney. Summary: Caroll, Franklin R. Atlantis Revisited. New York and London, Routledge, 2011.
Chapman, Denise. Several Kinds of Genius: The Life of Rodney McKay. NY: Harper Perennial, 2015.
Croft, Rosalind. City of Spires: A Memoir. Toronto: The Mercury Press, 2009.
Dugan, Paul. A Political History of Atlantis. Oxford: OUP, 2012.

- synecdochic
- Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose" and the sequel And The Band's Playing "Hail To The Chief"; John/Rodney. Summary: SGC finally stops calling him by December. Rodney celebrates by writing a final exam for his relativity class so difficult that it reduces four students to tears in the exam hall. Upon reflection, he decides to be merciful and offer partial credit.


- runedgirl
- The Year of Letting Go; Sam/Dean. Summary: A hunt gone wrong leaves Dean Winchester barely alive, and helpless for the first time in his life. Can Dean let go of his need to be the big brother and let Sam help him heal, or will the complicated feelings both brothers have been hiding from each other pull them further apart than ever? As Dean's deal comes due, both Sam and Dean will have to let go of their fears, or face losing each other forever.

- trollprincess
- This One Time, In a Michelle Pfeiffer Movie...; Sam/girl!Dean, girl!Sam/Dean. Summary: A curse leaves the brothers in an unusual situation.


- gilascave
- Conversational Japanese; Jack/Ianto. Summary: Ianto and Tosh have been kidnapped. This is how they cope.

This list will be updated as I discover more fics that I love, or as I locate older fics that I loved at the time. ♥

fic: rec list, rl: i love lists, fandom: fic recs

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