supergeneration (for daisukissu)

Mar 26, 2011 14:25

written for daisukissu  <3
 borrowed time
828 w, pg (seohyun/kyuhyun)
they never got married.

prompt: Kyu and Seohyun being dorky and stuff~ like what she's doing in wgm. XD i just want to know how everything will turn out, and how different in would be with Yonghwa since Kyu is really different than Yong. :D

He wakes up to big, doe brown eyes. They're deep, the kind of deep he could fall into and then possibly drown. Maybe he wouldn't mind, not if they could stay like this forever - but seconds aren't long enough. In moments her eyes close again, pretending to be asleep with tentative fingers curled around the white sheets.

"You woke up first," Kyuhyun complains sadly, feeling his body sink deeper into the bed.

"No, you did."

"I woke up and you were staring at me."

"I sleep with my eyes open," Seohyun puts effort into keeping a straight face while she says this, closed eyelids preventing her from seeing the grin smearing across Kyuhyun's lips.

"Maybe we need a new system of who has to cook breakfast in the morning, other than whoever wakes up first."

Seohyun pulls the covers over her head, turning her body away with her knees hugged up into her chest. Her back is curved perfectly to fit right into his chest, and he only rolls his eyes when he feels her breathing. "You're giggling."

"You can't see me," Her voice is curtained off by the blanket and Kyuhyun finds some strength to get himself out of bed. He ponders on poisoning her food with ketchup, because she hates ketchup, and before he can make any coherent statements about breakfast her sleepy eyes find their way out from underneath the cotton jungle.

"You know Kyuhyun, you talk in your sleep."

Kyuhyun decides that Seohyun will have to settle for toast, a banana, and maybe an apple if he decides to share his.

"Why am I not waking up to some sizzling bacon that is being cooked for me by my loving husband?" She walks out twenty minutes later with bunny slippers. Kyuhyun finds it easier to talk to them than embarrassingly admit to her that he forgot how to work a stove. They had been eating take out for so long now, and he didn't want to burn down the apartment.

"Your loving husband doesn't want you to get fat. Can't you see how much I care?"

She punches him in the shoulder.

He grabs her hand a little too dramatically for either of their likings. It's out of the blue, the sudden need he has to examine the way their fingers fit.

"Woah!" Kyuhyun can feel his eyes grow in amazement.

Seohyun's nostrils flare, "What are you doing?"

"I think I look better holding hands with Heechul."

Seohyun lets out a loud groan, falling back onto the couch. Kyuhyun just grins down at her.

"Let's go out for a walk," Seohyun suggests, already sliding on her shoes. It takes Kyuhyun a minute or two to register that it isn't actually a suggestion, but a kind of command. All of a sudden, the couch seems more comfortable than before. She looks at him mercilessly, and Kyuhyun contemplates the thought of if looks could kill. Well, he probably would have been dead awhile ago. She finds his hands even when he tries to hide them by sitting on them. Her fingers are bony when wrapped around his wrist, and Kyuhyun wonders if she's pulling so hard just to get him off the couch that she might break flesh. Not his, but her own. He stands up with an over exaggerated sigh, mumbling something about her profound strength.

Seohyun only rolls her eyes, but he takes her hand and walks out of the door anyways.

Kyuhyun insists on eating sugar straight out from the packet, not seeing any harm.

Seohyun tells him that she'll do the eulogy at his funeral.

"You're definitely blowing it out of proportion," He reasons with brows furrowed, a smirk playing on her lips. His hand reaches out to fix wisps of hair falling into her eyes. Her hand gently slaps his away, the color on her cheeks flaring like racing fire engines. He feels something jab straight to the heart of his skin.

"What?" Kyuhyun protests with a pout.

She's never been one for public displays of affection, because God forbid he ever try and kiss her out in a restaurant.

"It's embarrassing."

He chuckles underneath his breath, looking at her from underneath dark lashes. "You want to see embarrassing?"

By the time the waiter comes by, Kyuhyun takes a moment to clear his throat, "Before we order something, can you please acknowledge how beautiful my wife is?"

Seohyun chokes on her water.

"So, we never really got married."

"But we got married."

"We never got married," Seohyun reiterates, closing her eyes. Kyuhyun lets his arm linger on top of her waist, his other perched behind his head. He looks at the ceiling, counting the speckles that are faintly lit by the sun outside. "We'll make this real one day," Kyuhyun mumbles but he already hears light snoring from her part. He smiles.

( Seohyun stirs to Kyuhyun talking in his sleep again,

"We'll make this real one day. Promise." )

starting now
459 w, pg (yoona/heechul)
heechul laughs so hard, he forgets he has lungs.
prompt: Heechul thinks of Yoona as a dongsaeng, and doesnt even consider her as a girl. What if he just fails to realize that? Just some random thought that came one day as he looks at Yoona.

They're laughing so hard, and for a moment, Heechul forgets he has lungs.

Maybe it was because Eunhyuk tripped, or because he was holding water, and that water spilled over himself, and Donghae, and a little on Jessica. Maybe it was because they just tried so hard not to laugh, and Yoona looked like she was about to explode, therefore he was too. Maybe it was because Jessica was cursing at Eunhyuk, being held back by Donghae, and Eunhyuk was quivering in fear and begging for forgiveness.

They don't know, they never really know, but it's like for a moment air doesn't exist and they're just laughing out all their troubles over this small thing, like if they don't laugh now, they might not have tomorrow.

By this time, someone has flipped them off, told them to shut up, and Yoona is wiping away at her eyes.

"Wow, I laughed so hard I cried," She says, grinning down at him. Heechul is still on the floor, looking up at her and her bright eyes.

Suddenly, something just clicks.

"Uh, yeah," It's a sudden lost of words and almost like a heart quiver, the way she smiles like there's no tomorrow. It's too delicate to be that strong, but it still is, and abuptly, Heechul is fascinated.

"Alright, well, that pretty just made my week," Yoona stands up, her mouth opening maybe ten inches just to utter a yawn. She sticks her hand out to him after that, bony wrist and a spare silver ring, fingers wiggling after a few seconds of getting no response.

"I know the floor is comfortable and all, but you need to get up," She says it with a smile and an arch of her brow. He'd rather stay there, on the ground, experimenting with the fluttering in his stomach. It's like a new found emotion, or maybe a lost one, but it's there.

Heechul just takes her hand and she pulls him up with ease.

"So, either you're really strong, or I need to eat more,"  He hears himself say. "Or, you're on steroids."

Yoona chokes on her water for a minute, harboring an inconspicuous glance, "Well .."

They both laugh a little more after that, Heechul's fingers tentatively brushing some hair out of her face. She doesn't mind, or at least, she never has, but there's something about the way Heechul looks at her afterwards that puts the lingering air on edge. It's almost like static, or something along the lines of shocking.

"Everything okay?" She asks, brown eyes suddenly smeared with small concern.

Heechul smiles wider than he probably ever has, "Yeah. I think you just make me happy, you know?"

Yoona laughs lightly, as if gravity didn't exist.

"Yeah, I know."

fandom: super junior, ♥ : seohyun/kyuhyun, fandom: snsd, Ξ : withoutchange, ♥ : yoona/heechul

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