Twenty Weeks

Jul 13, 2008 15:38

Okay, so according to LiveJournal it has been twenty weeks since I’ve updated. TWENTY! That’s a long freaking time. And as you can imagine a lot has happened in that twenty weeks. Lots and lots. I’m just going to cover the basics real quick.

1) I am alive.
2 )I have a job.
3) I am going to school.
4) I’ve missed being on here.

That’s all the main points. The rest are behind the cut.


Life is good. I’m super busy though which means I don’t really get to do a lot of the things of I want. Like write or read or swim. Blah, this whole grown up, real life stuff sucks! Um…so two very interesting things have happened since I last updated. The first is I totaled my car. Yep, my first wreck ever and I totaled my car. The wreck did not involve anyone ease (Thank God) and I’m fine. I was freaked out for a little bit as I’m sure you can imagine. So, my Grand Am is history but the insurance people were super nice and they gave me more money than I paid for the car so YAY! So I used the money to get a new car (a blue 2003 Chevy Cavalier) that’s super cute and get great gas mileage. And I also used to money to get the other ‘interesting thing’. I got a new laptop! YAY!!! My old one, as I’m sure I mentioned at some time in the past, crapped out and I had been living off a Desktop for a while but with the rest of the insurance money (and some I had saved up for me) I got a new laptop. It’s pretty and the fact that it has Vista on it doesn’t bother me that much. It’s great and I love it. And thanks to the brilliance of one of my friends I got all my old files off my laptop. And it is brilliance because he networked my old laptop that had Windows XP and my new laptop that has Windows Vista together and nothing crashed or exploded or anything. Woo Hoo! Go Gregimus. So I have a new car and a new laptop and a little bit of cash saved away for a rainy day. All in all, life does not suck right now.


I started school full time for the summer session and I’ve got to say, school during summer sucks! Big time. And my classes are really boring. Just basic stuff I have to have for my teaching license that I didn’t take at Lyon. So, economics and some psych classes. Honestly it wouldn’t be so bad except my professors really don’t do a great job. I guess I was spoiled by the professors at Lyon because I can’t help but think that these professors would never cut it there. They just don’t seem to care and they don’t go out of their way to make sure the material is understood. Blah, it feels like a rip off except my financial aid is paying for this and I’m not. So, I just need to suck it up and get what I can from the classes.


So I have a job. An almost full time job. It’s, well not interesting, but not dull either. And the people I work with are great. I get along with them and the work is easy more or less. Except for answering the phones. I hate dealing with the irate customers and dealers who call into gripe and complain. I should probably explain. I’m an Administrative Assistant (I think that’s my title), but honestly I’m a secretary and a customer service representative rolled into one. Our company sales high tech exercise machines (treadmills and ellipticals mostly) and of course they sometimes break down. So I deal with some of the customer who have problems and some of the dealers who sale the units. The customers tend to yell and the dealers expect you to do their jobs for them. It’s annoying but the rush season is over so the call volume has gone down more or less. It’s great though. I get along with almost everyone and I’ve been working there for about six months. It’s nice to have a job and know you can do it well.


As for my fandoms, unfortunately I barely get to keep up with the shows, movies, or books themselves let alone really participate in the fandoms. Which sucks. I have however added a few new ones. In Plain Sight is the newest and I love it. And as much as I wanted to hate it I’ve gotten into Burn Notice. No new ones besides that. As for my tried and true fandoms? Let’s just say the season finales were amazing. Bones especially. It was an OMG episode from the very beginning. My only problem with this season finale, and some of the others, is they all seemed a bit rushed. Which is due to the Writer's Strike. And while the Writers' Strike did cause some funny things to happen to my shows (some good, most bad) I cannot and will not fault the writers' for that.


My writing is happening in bursts. I write in class and occasionally at work if it's a slow day. And I try to write at home but after looking at a computer all day it's hard to motivate myself to get on my laptop for more than an hour at night. Rest assured though, than I am writing and any unfinished fics or promised fics are being worked on. It's just slow going. I'm really trying though. Promise!

That doens't get you completely caught up on the last twenty weeks but seeing as that's all I can think to write about then I'm just going to say that the other stuff isn't super important. So, I'm back and I'm going to be updating much more frequently. I hope everyone has a great week! Later...

random, w0rk, home, school

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