Over a year and I come bearing fanfic...

Aug 08, 2009 22:08

So I haven't updated in over a year (55 weeks to be exact) and instead of a real update I decided fanfic would be better. It's from the TV version of 10 Things I Hate About You which I like a lot more than I thought I would. This has not been beta-ed and is completely and totally an exercise of fun.

Title: Of Avoidance, Plans and Butterflies 1/5
Author: KourtTears
Pairings/Characters: Kat/Patrick; Michael Bernstein
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: 10 Things I Hate About You is not mine. I’m going to borrow it for a bit though.
Spoilers: Up to 1.5
Summary: “Verona, just shut up, kiss me and I’ll owe you one.”

"Kat! There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you. Did you forget we had a lunch date at noon?"

Kat groaned as the irritating voice of Michael Bernstein reached her ears. She hazarded a quick look behind her and saw the student she'd successfully avoided for the past 3 days. "Looks like the streak is over," she mumbled to herself as she started all but running the other direction.

Normally she'd face down anyone who was edging into creeper territory but Mikey "The name's Michael" Bernstein was different. He was not a sleazebag or a pervert. He was harmless and reminded Kat of a puppy dog, granted one who had just chewed up your favorite pair of shoes, but a puppy nonetheless. And no matter what people thought she did not get off by kicking puppies.

So, instead of facing him down and telling him to back off, which was sure to hurt his feelings no matter how nice she tried to be, she did her best to avoid him if at all possible. Or if she did have to talk to him she was polite and vague and never agreed to any of his suggestions. She was hoping he would either take the hint, or someone (or something) would divert his attention, but over a month later and Kat was still using avoidance as her main weapon.

“Kat, slow down. Those long legs of yours make it hard to keep up.”

Kat kept up the ‘not quite running but damn close’ pace as she did her best to weave through the packed halls. She could hear the snickers and giggles of the other students and knew it was because she was running away from an almost stalker whose head didn’t even reach her shoulder but she didn’t care. She never cared what other people thought (and she’s not going to think about the guy with the leather jacket who makes her trip over her words). They can think whatever they want but she thinks Mikey is sweet in an annoying kind of way and she knows he does care what other people think. That’s part of the reason she won’t just tell him to leave her alone. Not only would she hurt him but the other students were bound to find out and they’ll make it even worse. So, avoidance thy name is Kat Stratford.

“Kat, I know you forgot about lunch today but it’s okay. I’m not mad. You can make it up to me by going out to dinner with me tonight.”

Kat let out a small noise that she would deny was a growl to anyone (not that anyone would ever bring it up) and sped up. Maybe she should confront Mikey and get him to leave her alone. She had no doubt she could pull it off and if he was making up lunch dates he might become dangerous. She had written a paper about erotomanics and none of those so-called relationships had ever ended well (and she got an A+ on the paper so she considered herself something of an expert on the subject). Maybe that was what was happening with Mikey. Maybe he was convinced they had a deep and meaningful relationship and he would go to any lengths to keep up the delusion. Or maybe she was becoming more of a drama queen than Bianca and was just looking for any excuse to get off Mikey’s radar. Even an excuse that didn’t really exist.

Didn’t exist …

That’s it! That’s how she would get Mikey to leave her alone. She would tell him she had a boyfriend. No, that wouldn’t work. She’d seen enough teen romance movies (all Bianca’s fault of course) to know that there always had to be proof.
So, how to prove she had a boyfriend? Well, she could actually get a boyfriend. But that was pretty much out of the question since there wasn’t one guy in the entire school who wasn’t afraid of her (except the guy in the leather jacket but she was not going to think about him…she wasn’t!).

“Kat, I know you’re ignoring me and I know it’s because I’ve been MIA the last few days. I was on a field trip. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but I really want to make it up to you. How about we go see a movie? I heard that ‘The Proposal’ was really good. I bet you’d love it.”

Kat ducked around the corner and leaned back against the wall. Hopefully he would keep going straight and she could escape him for another day. Not to mention come to terms with the fact that she wasn’t as good at avoidance as she thought. While she waited to see if her short-term plan would work she started planning for a long-term fix.

She could pay some guy to date her. But that was demeaning and pretty much said, in any and every language, that she was un-dateable. Which wasn’t true. It wasn’t her fault that no guy could handle her very outspoken, outgoing, determined personality (and the one guy that could wore a leather jacket and he was not to be thought of).

So, options one and two were out. Third option was to make up a boyfriend from another school for the short term and then find a boyfriend from another school that matched her description. What were her chances of describing a guy she would willingly date let alone find one? No, that relied too much on chance. Besides, that plan would require time.

“Or what about ‘G.I. Joe’? I’ve heard that movie rocks!”

And time was the one thing she didn’t have. She had to get him to back off today. He was getting closer to where she was leaning against the wall around the corner (most definitely not hiding!) and she had the sinking feeling he was going to spot her.

Another guy would do the trick but she had to prove she liked the guy well enough to date him and it had to be a plan that could be enacted fast.

A kiss would be the perfect proof. If she could bring herself to kiss a guy obviously she would like them well enough to date them. She would even have to date the guy. She could kiss whoever right when she knew Mickey would see and that would be the end of it. And as for fast, she could pick any guy that was near her when Mikey showed up.

“Or we could go see ‘The Hangover’!”

She had to get him to leave her alone right now.


He was almost close enough. Now all she had to do was find a guy that she could stomach long enough to press her lips to his.

“Kat! Where did you go?”

Or any guy would work. Hand out, grab an arm, pull the arm and the body attached to her and pucker up.

As soon as she pressed her lips against the mystery guys’ she realized he wasn’t really a mystery. The arm she was holding was covered in leather. The body was lean and hard and muscular. Her last thought was ‘Oh crap’ before the lips pressed against hers started to move.

When they finally pulled apart Kat found herself staring into the eyes of the one guy in the whole school she wouldn’t let herself think about.

“I always knew you wanted me Stratford.”

And there was that voice that caused butterflies in her stomach (indigestion…not butterflies, never butterflies).

She could feel her already flushed face heating up even more as he looked at her with an amused stare and smirk. Her brain froze and before she could attempt to come up with a logical explanation she saw Mikey out of the corner of her eye.

“Verona, just shut up, kiss me and I’ll owe you one.”

He looked completely dumbfounded for the split second between her demand and when she pulled his lips back down to hers. She was almost afraid he would pull away but after a moment he leaned in and pinned her between his body and the wall. Kat was so focused on the boy in front of her she completely forgot the boy chasing her and never saw him going straight down the hall in his search for her.

There's going to be at least one more chapter after this. Possibly two. Hope you enjoy it!


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