
Feb 23, 2008 20:34

Things have been good. Went to my grandparents today. Oh, and I saw my cousin who is in Girl Scouts and I am now the proud owner of 10 boxes of Thin Mints. I love this time of year just for the cookies. I'm going to freeze most of the boxes and much on them periodically. Yeah, that's all I've really done. I'm kind of boring.

I did watch my shows this week though and they rocked!

Supernatural was A-mazing. I love that Lilith is the new demon leader and the whole episode was just fantastic. The boys were in fine form and the tattoos were hot. My favorite line was from Dean (big surprise). Hendrickson asked Dean if he really believed they could win the war and Dean's response was, "Personally I think the world is going to end bloody. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't fight." It was such a Dean thing to say. Oh, and Dean and Ruby are my new crack. Unfortunately there isn't enough fanfic out there to satisfy my new addiction. That just means I'll be writing some myself which is a good thing (I hope).

Monk was great. I never remember how much I love that show until I watch it. It was an awesome season finale. You should go watch it.

Other good news. I have paid LJ again. Woo Hoo! And I spent an hour changing my icons. Yeah, I'm addicted.

And my Psych fic is coming along nicely. I'm done with the prologue and the first chapter. I'm going to type it up, edit it, and post it tonight. After that there's only 5 chapters and an epilogue left. And I'm working on a Twilight fic. It's only 3 chapters but they're kinda long and the second one does not want to be written. Plus I've had to do some major research for the story. I had to crack open some of my history books. I'm going to work on it some more this week and then post it next weekend.*crosses fingers* And I've written out the plot for a couple of Dean/Ruby fics. Those are just going to be one-shots though so they're going to be worked on when I'm stuck on another story. As for There's No Place Like Home, well I've finished it but I don't really like it so I'm going to revise it so I have no idea when it's going to be done.

Um...yeah, that's it for tonight. Hope you all had a fabulous Saturday! Later.

P.S. I bought some of my favorite pens. It's sad but I hate writing with anything else. I'm such a dork.

w0rk, fanfic update, tv, supernatural, plot bunnies

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