Kittens on the roof!!

May 30, 2010 22:19

(Kidding, kidding. Lizzie and I have been joking that the baby raccoons are like kittens since we first saw them.)

Lizzie and I had a relaxed evening of watching TV, trying out a new Mark Bittman recipe, and baking some strawberry rhubarb pie for a picnic tomorrow. We'd done some laundry earlier in the day and had been putting off making the bed and putting away our clothes, something we finally managed to gather the willpower to deal with around 9:30 tonight.

So we're up making the bed and we hear clump, clump, clump. I immediately knew what that meant: raccoonsies! On the roof! So we look out our bedroom window, and there they are - the three little raccoonsies. Lizzie tells me to go get my camera, though I'm skeptical about the quality of photograph that I could get at night through two layers of windows (that can't be opened). But! In the end, I managed to get a few:

The window may be dirty, but this one is totally my favorite. :)

Paws on the window!

Again, dirty window with terrible glare, but check out the one on the right - he'd be awesome with some wisecrack lolcat caption.

In other news, I wish every weekend were a three-day weekend with no school on Monday. Lovely experiments with new recipes, lots of rest and time with Lizzie, and feeling a little bit like the quarter's already over.
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