Day 9: Moogles

Apr 18, 2011 16:54

I'm so tired today, ugh. My sleep schedule has also become pretty wonky again, but in the name of fandom I must prevail~

Day 09 - Favorite Moogle Version.
I didn't have to think about this very much at all. I may be biased, but FFXI's moogles are definitely the best.

Every adventurer in FFXI was given a "mog house" and their very own moogle to take care of them. Your moogle stored your items and gear for you, and also kept your house looking spiffy. Yes, your moogle was your maid. But hey, we adventurers were all young and thus needed a mommy to look after us.

I nicknamed mine Mogtastic. ♥

Not only were they essential to everyday life in Vana'diel, but they also had a whole mini-expansion based around them. In this story you had to fight against a mobster moogle who was swindling the other moogles and adventurers. He wore sunglasses and bling-bling:

And you fought him as an oversized moogle that towered above you. The fight was actually a pain in the ass, but that just goes to show that moogles are scary things that shouldn't be messed with!

Honorable mention for moogle-love goes to Locke's moogles in FFVI! (See, I Play other games, too. D:)

Dishonorable mention goes to the Ivalice moogles (I don't like their rabbit-eared design) and the Dissidia moogles for being dirty tricksters.

I also hear Sephiroth likes moogles:

(Image by the talented model-dork, Schala aka animekittysama!)

Just an FYI. ;)

EDIT: I couldn't resist adding in a screenshot of the cuteness that is the FFXIV moogle.

This is from open beta, from the opener for the nation of Gridania. The moogles are soothing the wrath of the forest. I'm not a Gridanian post-release but I love when I get to interact with these guys in the Lancer quests. They are so. freaking. adorable.

The rest (tomorrow is going to be SO HARD OMG):
Day 10 - Best Final Fantasy scene ever.
Day 11 - Final Fantasy game that disappointed you.
Day 12 - Final Fantasy game you’ve played more than 5 times.
Day 13 - Your favorite version of Cid.
Day 14 - Favorite Final Fantasy male character.
Day 15 - Favorite Final Fantasy female character.
Day 16 - Your favorite Final Fantasy limit break.
Day 17 - Favorite Final Fantasy mini game.
Day 18 - Favorite Final Fantasy opening sequence.
Day 19 - Best Final Fantasy outfit.
Day 20 - Best Final Fantasy hair.
Day 21 - Favorite Final Fantasy pairing/ship.
Day 22 - Favorite Final Fantasy summon.
Day 23 - Least Favorite Final Fantasy mini game.
Day 24 - Best Final Fantasy quote.
Day 25 - Final Fantasy game you plan on playing (old or new).
Day 26 - OMG WTF? Final Fantasy moment.
Day 27 - Best Final Fantasy storyline.
Day 28 - First Final Fantasy game obsession.
Day 29 - Current Final Fantasy game obsession.
Day 30 - Saddest Final Fantasy character death.

meme, ffxi

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