But you and me are all right...

Apr 18, 2011 03:52

So, I originally started this for aolist's request on the ffchaoticcosmos Weekend Mini-Exchange, but then I began to feel like this wasn't fluffy enough. At all. I was going to scrap it but by then I was almost done anyway, so I decided to finish the drabble. Maybe someone on here will enjoy it!

Rating: G
Pairing: Onion Knight/Terra + WoL
Word Count: ~1300
Notes: A youth's struggle with his first love, one that is frustratingly one-sided. Why won't she look at him the same way she looks at the other warriors?

“Thanks for sparring with me again,” the youth said, strangely energized even after such an exhaustive match with the Warrior.

“The pleasure is always mine,” he responded in kind.

It was not because he was the youngest of Cosmos’s chosen that the Warrior spoke to him gently-like a comrade-but rather that the boy had proved his ability time and again. He had trouble respecting some older than the Onion Knight, but the boy worked so hard that it was easy to see the results. Even the Warrior’s smooth, fair skin was bathed in a light sheen of perspiration following a bout of training with him.

Drawing both knight’s attention to her, Terra edged into the hall with a smile. In her arms two bottles of blue liquid were nestled. “Refreshments?”

“Thanks, Terra,” the youth beamed. He was eager to accept her gift, sliding it out from where it was held.

The Warrior’s eyes softened; something close to a smile found his lips. “My thanks,” he answered, though he took a bottle only when it was handed to him.

Terra’s cheeks colored the slightest amount, and the Onion Knight immediately noticed. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she looked up the Warrior, the girl visibly enamored with the man. It was the same look she gave Cloud, the same she had given Vaan, and the same that he could never get her to use when she looked at him. Why did her look change just because she had to look down at him? Hadn’t he protected her more than any of Cosmos’s other warriors?

Undoubtedly she saw him as nothing but a kid, just like a majority of the others. A little brother, maybe? His stomach turned at the thought and the youth covered his irritation with the bottle, letting the enchanted liquid slide down his throat as he watched the two amiably converse.

“Terra,” he said, breaking into the conversation during a lull. “There’s somewhere I’d like to go today. Let’s go together.”

The girl smiled and nodded, her hair falling into her eyes for a minute.

“I should be going as well,” the Warrior said on cue when Terra looked up to him.

Once the boy had told him that he had made the decision to protect the girl, the Warrior could not stand in the way. He felt the same way about Cosmos, and he enjoyed every moment he spent guarding their radiant goddess. Even if the boy was young the Warrior felt that cultivating his sense of duty and responsibility was crucial. Once he attained that the boy would make the perfect knight.

When Terra looked as if she might protest, the Onion Knight grabbed Terra’s hand. “Let’s go,” he said with a smile when she looked back at him with a questioning gaze.

As embarrassed as he had been when Cecil had let it slip to a number of the male warriors that the youth had chosen to protect Terra, he was grateful to receive the few tips he had from the others. With their crystals all obtained it seemed that everyone had at least one piece of advice for him, even the tight-lipped Squall. Though he assured them he was well aware of it all, in truth it seemed he was the only one without someone waiting for him in his own world.

What about Terra, he wondered? Already he had to fend off several suitors, were there more somewhere? There was once a time when he refused to fight battles he wouldn’t win, but somehow the fight for Terra’s affections was one he’d keep trying to conquer.

“It looked like you were really getting that sword technique down,” Terra ventured, noting his pensive mood.

“Oh, yeah,” the youth brightened, looking up at her with a confident smile. “I knew I was close, but it seems I’ve mastered it now.”

“You looked pretty cool,” she praised as she squeezed his hand softly.

The compliment immediately went to his head, and rather than flushing with modesty it only made him beam. “Right? I knew I would!”

Terra giggled, used to his behavior by then. As arrogant and overbearing as he appeared, she imagined it was a way to hide his insecurities about being both the youngest and the smallest of Cosmos’s warriors. As the only girl - and one who constantly needed to be saved, it seemed - she tried to meld into the background. But he had saved her, over and over, and so she could not see him as anything but a valiant boy.

Despite his best efforts, not yet a man, though.

“It’s right over here,” he told her, pushing aside a hedge so she could pass by without getting her stockings caught on the branches. “Firion told me about it.”

“Firion?” Terra questioned, but as they rounded the bend he did not need to explain any further.

There were only a few-maybe ten at the most-but there were vibrant yellow lilies blooming in a small patch. Terra took in a quick breath and clapped her hands together, her eyes lighting up as she soaked in the color. After they had received their crystals and the world had begun to die the greenery had slowly begun to lose its color. But these-surely these were a treasure in their dying world.

Seeing her reaction caused the Onion Knight to smile again, and he stood back, pleased with himself. Even if it didn’t make her look at him any differently, her reaction was worth the small trip. “All girls like flowers,” he had been told. It seemed it was true.

“Here, you should take one,” he said, stepping forward to pick one for her.

“No,” she said quickly, almost causing him to topple over. “Sorry,” she said, though she laughed softly, “but these poor things are struggling for life in our dying world. We shouldn’t hurt them.”

Rubbing the back of his neck, the youth tilted his head to the side, accepting her plea. “Right,” he said, “okay.”

Since he almost seemed dejected, she let out a soft sigh. Her light footsteps did not alert him, but when she stood beside him he finally looked back up at her. Bending just slightly she kissed his cheek, feeling it warm immediately under her lips with a deep flush. So even he could make a cute face, she mused as she stepped back.

“Thank you for bringing me here,” she said softly, taking his hand again. “I won’t ever forget you, my valiant little knight.”

Her words only furthered his flush, but as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders he was able to hide it. It might always be a losing battle-he knew as much-but it was worth it. This girl, without a doubt, was worth it.


My brain would not cooperate with me this weekend, so besides that I only got two other drabbles done, both for animekittysama. I promise to do better with next weekend's event. D: Or at least I'll try my damnedest.

If anyone is interested in the other drabbles:

Sane!Sephiroth on Cosmos's Side & Cosmos!Sephiroth + WoL as a dynamic duo!

They were really fun to do! I love sane!Sephiroth so much, though, and I know I didn't do him much justice. Sorry! :( I also shamelessly injected more and more FFXI into it. Still, maybe you guys can at least find some humor in it.

Next up: Cloud/Lightning. I finally have nothing else do to but that! Finally~

ffvi, dissidia, ffvii, fic, ffiii, ffxi

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