Day 10: They get harder and harder...

Apr 19, 2011 16:30

Since today's question is going to take me so long to answer, I'm going to get started now. Has anyone noticed how indecisive I am? Seriously.

The time is now: 3pm CST.

Day 10 - Best Final Fantasy scene ever.
I really, honestly, cannot choose just one. So I'm going to choose several. I'm sure my bias will inevitably show through again, though. :|

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I love avatars/espers/eidolons/whathaveyou, so I've always loved this scene. Alexander is gorgeous. I was so sad when it died. :( Kuja, you dirty bastard! If I didn't love you so much... haha. x)

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I gave this a spoiler tag because you can't do this mission until you're rank 38, so I'm sure for many it's a spoiler. Then again I know a lot of people don't play XIV so I hope you enjoy it. Like I said, I have a soft spot for summons. (After this, Ifrit reads you the right act for summoning him with the stench of another avatar on you. HMM!)

I really debated on this one and the rank 15 Limsa FMV where Leviathan pops out of the water, because Levi is my favorite summon ever, but I have another day for him to shine... :)

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Because I'm a total sucker for sane!Sephiroth and anything where he looks good. 'Nuff said.

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I love this mash-up of scenes. I love the rivalry between Luneth and Ignis. I love Refia and Ignis. I love it so much! ♥ This game... So close to my heart!

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Spoiler tag since I know some of my friends list hasn't gotten to the 000 storyline yet. BUT THESE TWO ARE SO CUTE. I'm really sad they're so short, but seeing Prishe and Bartz in FMV format makes me so giddy you don't even...

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This thing is GORGEOUS. Watch it. Do it. Make your life better.

Day 11 - Final Fantasy game that disappointed you.
Day 12 - Final Fantasy game you’ve played more than 5 times.
Day 13 - Your favorite version of Cid.
Day 14 - Favorite Final Fantasy male character.
Day 15 - Favorite Final Fantasy female character.
Day 16 - Your favorite Final Fantasy limit break.
Day 17 - Favorite Final Fantasy mini game.
Day 18 - Favorite Final Fantasy opening sequence.
Day 19 - Best Final Fantasy outfit.
Day 20 - Best Final Fantasy hair.
Day 21 - Favorite Final Fantasy pairing/ship.
Day 22 - Favorite Final Fantasy summon.
Day 23 - Least Favorite Final Fantasy mini game.
Day 24 - Best Final Fantasy quote.
Day 25 - Final Fantasy game you plan on playing (old or new).
Day 26 - OMG WTF? Final Fantasy moment.
Day 27 - Best Final Fantasy storyline.
Day 28 - First Final Fantasy game obsession.
Day 29 - Current Final Fantasy game obsession.
Day 30 - Saddest Final Fantasy character death.

The time is now: 4:30pm CST. I guess it didn't take me as long as I thought, but I still know I'm leaving some out. I'm also saving some for future days! :}

dissidia, ffvii, ffiii, ffxiv, ffix, meme

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