
Dec 08, 2006 20:24

I am DEAD TIRED. I don't get it. By the time I left the house for work I was wide awake, I felt fine, I figured today was going to be a breeze... but then half way to work I started feeling tired and sick. I felt like crap all the way through the first house, but started feeling better during the second one... just not one-hundred percent. Maybe sixty percent. And I continued to feel like crap until just a few minutes ago.

My nose had been running, I was getting some random, stabbing pains in my gut.. a little like indigestion.... but as the day progressed it got better. Blah.

Time to rant about my job, I think.

I doubt anyone is reading this, but I've got to get it out. I've lovingly nicknamed most of the houses I clean.

“The House of Fur”

The lady that owns the House of Fur trains golden retrievers to be helper dogs for the disabled. She has at least three in her house at all times because those are the three that are her dogs. I believe one is a retired helper dog, one is too chickenshit to be a helper dog, and one is too rowdy for it. Anyway, this lady vacuums her house EVERY DAY and there's still enough dog fur in that house whenever we go to spin into thread and knit a sweater. It's almost entertaining really.

“The House of Bad Mojo”

The House of Bad Mojo is museum-like and filled with antiques that are mostly from Indonesia, China, and Africa. There is also a leopard skin rug... an actual LEOPARD that was shot and skinned (back when it was still legal to do so) and they have it mounted on their wall in the game room. This house gives me the fucking creeps. This house belongs to the aforementioned (in my last journal) dust-o-phobic, clean-freak lady that had me climbing all over her house like a monkey to clean imaginary dust.

“The New House”

The New House has not been named yet as it belongs to a newer customer. These people seem pretty normal so it likely will go nickname-less.

“The House of Shit that's Older than God.”

This house belongs to an elderly lady who has antiques that are even older than SHE is. Luckily SHE does all the dusting of these items and all we really do is clean the bathrooms, kitchen, spare bedrooms, vacuum, and mop.

“The House of Bright Colors.”

“The colors, Duke, the colors!!” “I'm colorblind, kid.”
Yeah, obscure reference from an OLD commercial. Anyway, this lady's house is HUGE and every just about every room is a BRIGHT color. The spare rooms are neon green, purple, and Dr. Pepper can red (I like the red room) the bathrooms are a softer, but still bright yellow, green, and purple. The master bedroom was a very bright turquoise, but the lady is trying to sell the house and the people she talked to advised her to paint it something... not as blinding so now it's an earthy tan-ish color. The master bathroom is, surprisingly, white. That house gives me a headache.

“Miss Kitty's House”

These people own a cat that I call “Miss Kitty”... just because I can. This cat will follow you around as you're cleaning... will try and grab your rag when you're wiping things down... decided my back was a good landing pad when she wanted down from a high place and I was bent over. She generally acts as a supervisor, making sure we're doing a good job and also distracting because I love kitties and I want to stop and pet her every five minutes. She definitely owns that house and everyone and everything in it.

“The House of Lingering Paint and Glue Smells”

This house actually needs a new nickname because this isn't a problem anymore.. but these people recently repainted just about every room in their house and got new carpet in all of the carpeted areas of the house. I would get dizzy and get headaches the first few times I cleaned this house because of the lingering fumes from the paint and whatever adhesive they used to lay the carpet down.

“This House of Hair”

The people that own this house have no pets so the hair is all human. Apparently these people SHED and it's just... everywhere. Not as bad as the House of Fur, but it's still pretty bad.

That's it... those are the houses I clean.
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