Существует, насколько я понимаю, две основных позиции в этом вопросе. Первая заключается в том, что религиовед должен быть религиозным человеком также, как музыковед должен иметь музыкальный слух (ergo нерелигиозный религиовед - почти contradictio in adjecta), вторая - в том, что наоборот, религиозность религиоведа, автоматически означая его
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What can a study of Natural Religion teach us? Why, it teaches us that religion is natural, is real, is inevitable, is universal. Is that nothing? Is it nothing to know that there is a solid rock on which all religion, call it natural or supernatural, is founded? Is it nothing to learn from the annals of history that ‘God has not left Himself without witness, in that He did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts, and the hearts of the whole human race, with food and gladness?’
If you examine the attacks that have been made on religion, which have proved the more dangerous- those on Natural or those on Supernatural Religion?
Christianity, to which alone, at least among ourselves, the name of a Supernatural Religion would be conceded, has been surrounded during the nineteen centuries of its existence with many ecclesiastical outworks. Some of these outworks ought probably never to have been erected. But when they were attacked and had to be surrendered, Christianity itself has remained unaffected, nay, it has been strengthened rather than weakened by their surrender. The Reformation swept away a good many of these ecclesiastical fences and intrenchments, and the spirit of the Reformation, dangerous as it was supposed to be at the time to the most vital interests of Christianity, has never been at rest again, and will never be at rest. Under the name of Biblical Criticism the same reforming spirit is at work in our own days, and whatever may be thought of it in other countries, in the country of Knox, in the ancient home of free thought and free speech, that reforming spirit will never be stifled, however dangerous it may seem at times even in the eyes of old and honest reformers. There can be no doubt that free inquiry has swept away, and will sweep away, many things which have been highly valued, nay, which were considered essential by many honest and pious minds. And yet who will say that true Christianity, Christianity which is known by its fruits, is less vigorous now than it has ever been before? There have been dissensions in the Christian Church from the time of the Apostles to our own times. We have passed through them ourselves, we are passing through them even now. But in spite of all the hard and harsh and unchristian language that has been used in these controversies, who would doubt now, after their lives and their deepest convictions have been laid open before the world, that Kingsley was as deeply religious a man as Newman, that Stanley served his Church as faithfully as Pusey, and that Dr. Martineau, the Unitarian, deserves the name of a Christian as much as Dr. Liddon?...
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