Dec 30, 2006 19:55

Narrative: Complete (log)
Characters: Tobi, Sasori
General Setting: School grounds, recently. After the Tobi and Yamato log that has yet to be finished.
Summary: Tobi makes Sasori-san madder D:
Warnings: Sasori being MEAN. Fear the wibble icon.

Snow. Lots of it too. God, Sasori hated snow. In his mind, he had to wonder why he had come out here in the first place. A simple walk outside wasn't worth trudging through all the slush and…snow.

But Sasori's reasoning quickly came back as he recalled Deidara in his room earlier, and the tiny explosion that created a mess of his school things. Oh, he had been mad and not in the mood to clean, thus, outside is where he ended up.

Snow, Tobi thought, snow - it was practically the best thing about winter. Even though Yamato had told Tobi not to stay out in the cold too long, he'd ventured out again - it was too fun. This time, he was building a snow fort.

He looked up as a flash of colour caught his eye against the white and grey of the winter scene - Sasori-san! Oh, right - Tobi had made him mad last time. He frowned. He only wanted to make it up to Sasori-san. He thought for a few moments, rolling a ball of snow around in his gloved hands thoughtfully. Then he brightened.

Snowball fights made everyone happy!

Tobi got to his feet, brushing snow off of his coat, and stumbled after Sasori, a bit. And then he promptly hurled the snowball at the back of Sasori's head.

"Incoming, Sasori-san!"

Sasori should have recognized that voice the second it sounded out. His mind wasn't here though, and all he heard was his name. In natural reaction, he turned.

Turned perfectly into the snowball, that is.

With a rather loud 'thwack', the snowball collided with the side of his head, causing him to stumble back.

"W-what the hell?!"

Tobi grinned, bending down to scoop up more snow. "It's a snowball fight, Sasori-san!"

Clutching his head, Sasori took a moment to get the throb out of his head.

Snowball fight…?

No. No snowball fights. His anger had peaked and all Sasori could think about was beating the pulp out of Tobi.

That's when he darted forward towards the boy.

Tobi brightened. Hey, it looked like Sasori-san was getting into it! But wait...he wasn't holding any snow...

Tobi wasn't usually the sharpest crayon in the box, but he could sense that something wasn't quite right here. He began to back away, dropping his half-formed snowball. "Sasori-san - ?"

Sasori wasn't a complete savage when it came to fighting. In fact, right now he had enough goodwill to give Tobi a warning as to what was coming.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!"

It perhaps wasn't the nicest thing to say, but boy, did it get the message across.

Tobi's eye widened - where had this gone wrong? He'd only been trying to make Sasori-san happy - and he turned on his heel, trying to run away. "W-wait, Sasori-san! Don't hurt Tobi! He was only trying to be nice - !"

Too late.

Sasori had the definite advantage over Tobi here. He was bigger, stronger, and faster than the first year. Really, what he had in mind was quite the overkill. Within moments he had caught up to the boy and made a lunge at him to tackle him to the ground.

Tobi let out a yelp as Sasori's body closed over his own, and he hit the ground with a head thud. The breath whooshed out of his lungs, and he wheezed and gasped, feeling the snow seep into his coat.

Sasori was quick to roll Tobi onto his back, then plant himself on the younger boy, pinning him down. Within seconds, he landed his first blow across Tobi's face - nothing fancy, just a furious punch. Something in Sasori's mind was holding him back from doing anything serious.

"What do you think you were doing?!"

Tobi cried out as Sasori's fist connected with his face, and tears sprang to his one eye. Immediately, he brought his arms up over his face in instinct, trying to protect himself. "T-Tobi was just trying to - to cheer Sasori-san up!" His voice was almost a whimper, definitely scared of Sasori now. (He never thought Sasori would get this mad at him....)

"You don't throw a fucking snowball at the back of someone's head!"

As people got to know Sasori, they always learned one thing. The amount of cussing he does is equal to just how angry is he. Given the current situation, it was really no surprise that he wasn't minding himself around a younger student.

He pulled back at one of Tobi's arms, trying to reveal the slightest bit of face to hit. As soon as he found it, his harsh blow struck again.

Tobi tried to squirm away, whimpering, because ow it hurt to get punched in the face (and by Sasori-san, no less!). "I'm sorry, Sasori-san - stop - please - Tobi is sorry, he is!"

Normally the pleading of children (or anyone for that matter) didn't stop Sasori from whatever he was doing. Something about Tobi's whimpering stuck to him though, before he could land a third hit. Maybe it was just the fact he knew the boy. Typically, if it came to beating someone up, Sasori had little or no clue who they were.

Sasori sat on Tobi a moment more, thinking over his options. He could either just get up an leave (which he would probably look back on and think was weak), or he could just keep hitting Tobi until he felt better. Hm.

Tobi's face already ached heavily, and it was starting to swell a bit - and he shrank back into the ground, unable to help from noticing the way that the snow crept into the collar of his coat, chilling the skin of his neck. "Tobi is sorry, Sasori-san," he all but choked out, staring up at Sasori with a fearful amber eye, "Tobi is really, really sorry - he was only trying to make it up to Sasori-san..."

A nasty huff came from Sasori and he gritted his teeth and got off Tobi.

"You had better be sorry. If you ever do something like it again, I'll beat you worse."

Of course, stopping so soon was much against Sasori's better judgment. To make himself feel better, he dealt a sharp kick to Tobi's side, then lingered over him for a moment, just to catch the boy's reaction.

Tobi curled up with a sharp cry, one hand going immediately to his bruised side. He gave Sasori a terrified look, trying to sink further into the snow. (He was sorry - he really was - everything he did just came back to bite him lately.)

Sasori gave a satisfied smirk, making sure Tobi saw it, before turning to head back to the school. Sure, the snow would help numb Tobi up sooner, but if the boy sat out in it too long, illness was sure to follow. That would be the perfect finish, Sasori thought to himself.

Snow. Oh, snow. Occasionally it did have its upsides.

ch: sasori, ch: tobi

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