[complete] A Plant Transaction

Dec 29, 2006 20:08

Narrative: Closed, Complete.
Characters: Zetsu, Hayate
General Setting: Outside the Gama house; Namekuji Room #203
Summary: Transaction of a plant... and other things.
Warnings: Zetsu. Drugs.

The snow was cold and Hayate's lungs burned despite the scarf wrapped tightly around his neck and chin. If a person was to look closely at the bundle, one might be able to tell it was Hayate under the woolen jacket puffy from the layers of clothes underneath. Usually he avoided going out in the dead of winter but he didn't want to disappoint his senpai even if the upperclassman thought so poorly of him. Trust was an important factor between classmates. And the plant was obviously important to Zetsu.

There he was in front of the Gama house, wondering why Zetsu wanted to meet there of all places, holding his toque tight over his ears and stomping in place to keep warm.

ch: gekkou hayate, ch: zetsu

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