LOG (it's big, it's heavy, it's wood)

Dec 30, 2006 14:57

Narrative: Complete (log)
Characters: Deidara, Tobi
General Setting: School grounds, just now. In the snow.
Summary: Deidara finds Tobi after Sasori duffed him up.

Deidara really didn't like gloves at all - they were suffocating and uncomfortable like nothing else -  but on balance, cold palms were a hell of a lot worse. Of course, he could have just stayed indoors. But miss being out in the snow? Like hell.

Besides, after he'd made that mess in Sasori's room, he had the inkling that the older boy had headed outside to sulk at thin air - it would amuse Deidara well enough to add insult by injury by finding him and smacking him upside the head with a snowball.

So here he was, begloved, scarved and cheery, trudging through the snow as light-footedly as one's gait could be whilst still meriting the word 'trudging', his one eye bright and his cheeks pink from the cold.

Tobi had lain there in the snow for a while, almost afraid to move (Sasori had scared him; he'd never thought the older boy was capable of such savage anger), until he realized how cold he was getting, and Yamato's warning - ("you'll freeze your nose off if you stay out here too long"). He got to his feet slowly, shivering, and halfheartedly brushed some of the snow from his coat. He was cold, and the hair on the back of his head was matted and a bit wet, as was his face - his face, which was definitely showing the signs of having taken a few punches by now. Tobi hardly even noticed that his eyepatch was somewhat unsettled as he staggered toward the dormitories.

The spring in Deidara's step vanished as he spotted Tobi in the distance. Just what he didn't need ... Tobi was probably going to drag him off and demand to build a snowman or something dumb like that.

But then he noticed the unsteady way Tobi was walking, and the too-cold, bruised way he was holding himself, and his frown went from dismissively irritated to something puzzled and very nearly like concerned. He picked up his pace.

"Hey! Hey, Tobi, you idiot, what did you do to yourself now?"

Tobi flinched slightly at the voice, and he looked up to see Deidara hurrying towards him. One hand went to cup his own bruised and slightly swollen face - he looked unusually skittish.

"T-Tobi made Sasori-san mad..."

Deidara's eye widened slightly, possibly at how obviously hurt Tobi had been, possibly at the implication that Sasori was responsible - possibly both.

"Wait, wait, Sasori-danna did this? What did you do?"

Tobi lowered his eye to the ground, for once refusing eye contact - he was definitely out of it. "Tobi tried to make it up to Sasori-san by - by having a snowball fight but...but he just got mad and - and Tobi tried to say he was sorry..."

Oh. Well. That .. made sense, Deidara supposed, although he couldn't help wondering whether Sasori would have done the same to him. ".. Sasori-danna doesn't like snowball fights, un."

"I know that now," Tobi said quietly, still gingerly holding the side of his face. He looked to be on the verge of tears - though whether it was from the pain or the fact that someone he looked up to had hit him, it was a bit unclear.

Deidara frowned. "Hey - hey - don't cry. You're gonna get hurt worse than that while you're here, un."

This news did not exactly comfort Tobi, and his lower lip quivered slightly. "But - but Tobi doesn't want to get hurt."

"Then some ninja you're gonna make."

"...Does Deidara-senpai like getting hurt then?"

"What?" Deidara paused, a little bothered by Tobi's tendency to interpret things like that so literally. He rolled his eye. "I just mean you better get used to it, un."

"...But - but if Tobi's a good ninja then he won't get hurt a lot. Not like that."

Deidara had his (admittedly very biased) doubts that Tobi was going to be that good a ninja, but for once declined to point this out. "Then obviously you're not good enough yet, un. So you're still gonna get toughed up if you get on the wrong side of people like Sasori-danna." He sighed. "An' it's like you can't help getting on people's wrong sides, isn't it, you dolt."

That last remark hit Tobi a bit harder than it usually would have, and he hung his head a bit. "Tobi tries his hardest - he really does," he mumbled. "But nobody likes Tobi anyway..."

Deidara looked away, trying very hard to pretend to the world in general, present company included, present company including himself, that he didn't feel in the slightest bit guilty. Because he didn't. At all. "Hnn, maybe you're trying too hard, un," he muttered.

Tobi sniffled a little. "...Too hard?" he repeated. (There was such a thing?)

Deidara glanced back at him, and nodded. "Un. With Sasori-danna you just gotta wait for him to forget about it, he doesn't really do apologies."

"...Oh." Well - he hadn't known that. "...Maybe Tobi should just stay away from him then? ...For now?"

Deidara looked Tobi up and down, frowning. ".. 'sprobably a good idea, un."

Tobi nodded, slowly. (Okay - he could do that. He didn't want to get beat up again.) "...What about you, Deidara-senpai?"

Deidara blinked. "What d'you mean?"

"...Is Deidara-senpai still mad at Tobi?"

"... For what?" Deidara had, pretty much, completely forgotten.

"...For the Christmas present?"

"-Oh. Hhmph .. Well, I am; just don't do that again, un." Although the idea of the model Tobi'd made still bothered him, he wasn't still particularly angry about it - but he was sure it never hurt to deter Tobi a little. His heart wasn't in it, though.

"...Oh. Well - Tobi won't." Tobi shook his head, and winced as he accidentally prodded a rather sensitive spot.

"Good." He paused a moment, frowning. "... You should go get that looked at, un."

Tobi managed some sort of twisted frown (one of his cheeks was a bit swollen). "...By who, Deidara-senpai?"

"Matron?" Deidara suggested, doing a reasonable job of not looking worried.

"...Will Deidara-senpai take Tobi?"

"What, you don't even know where matron's office is?"

Tobi shook his head slowly. "Tobi's never been, Deidara-senpai."

"I thought they showed - hnn, never mind, un .." Deidara glanced over his shoulder at the school building behind them, and then back at Tobi. "Fine, I'll take you."

Tobi's face brightened considerably at that. "Really? Thanks, Deidara-senpai..."

Deidara shook his head. "If I don't you're just gonna wander around out here being all pitiful 'til you freeze to death or whatever, un .."

"Nuh uh...Tobi's smart enough to get inside! ....Besides, Yamato-san said if you stay out here too long you get sick, and Tobi hates getting sick."

"Hnf, well, don't know about that; looks like you've stayed out here long enough anyway," Deidara said, with a pointed glance to where Tobi's hair and clothes were damp from being knocked to the ground and beaten up.

"...Tobi hopes he doesn't get sick," Tobi said, quite honestly. "That means Tobi would have to miss class and he doesn't like missing class..."

Deidara looked at him, blinked, and then nodded over his shoulder towards the main school building. "C'mon."

ch: tobi, ch: deidara

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