I've been a tad busy of late
- I'm still working on the final installment of The Unexpected Horcrux, but truth be told, I'm not particularly inspired to write fan-fic at the moment. My regular writers that I edit (beta) have been productive, and I've been collaborating with JBern on a bit of original fiction.
I had a brain-dead day this week - I
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I didn't know you had sleep apnea. A former coworker of mine suffered from it, and may still for all I know. Weight was a bit of an issue for this guy. He ended up getting the "Darth Vader" mask (mask with tubes to blow air - or was it oxygen? - up his nostrils) which helped. Haven't asked him in a while how he was doing with that.
Best wishes with the original fic. I was digging up info on an writer the other day - had some minor success publishing Science Fiction stories in the early 80s. I was curious to see if he'd written any more, and I discovered that he was now self-publishing his stories on the internet. This includes his old works. I wondered if you'd be interested. Here's his website in case you'd like to check out how he does it. He also runs a writers coop where he helps other authors do the same thing as he does - takes care of the web hosting + downloading/billing issues for them.
The website seems a bit primitive to me, could really use an overhaul. But he seems to be enjoying sufficient success at it to keep him happy.
I can see this working for an established writer, with an established readership. But I can see it being a struggle for a new writer. You basically have to handle all the marketing yourself.
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