Myojo, March 2013 NYC Chinen Yuri Translation

Feb 19, 2013 00:14

Here's Chinen's portion of mysteries he wonders about from Myojo's March issue :3
"Girls" are one of his mysteries x)

Yamada’s Mystery:
Because Ryosuke and I are always together, I’m probably the one that can understand him the most.
If I look at his face, I can most likely imagine what he is thinking. Although there’s this one mysterious action…
Ryosuke leaves drinks behind, not outside of the refrigerator, but inside. During break time at the dressing rooms, when he gets drinks, he puts them in the freezer so that the contents won’t come out!

The World’s Mystery:
When I look at historic ruins like the Nazca drawings and the pyramids, I end up thinking “How where those built?” There really are doubts when it comes to human power right? Sometimes I hear conversations that say “Advanced civilizations from the universe came down and built them” but there’s no way to confirm that. I wonder when people from another universe will come again~

My Own Mystery:
I am a person that does the opposite. Around my elementary years, when everyone got together to play and we had to have a majority vote, a lot of the kids would not raise their hands. So then someone would say “It seems fun over here!” and everyone would get interested. We’d also support the away sport teams. Why people do things different from usual is something I don’t understand.

Ordinary Everyday Mystery:
Why do we talk on phones? When we talk through cell phones, our voices sound different. I don’t really get it (laughs) Even if I might understand a little, it’s still an unknown mystery. I still use them while thinking of how convenient they are without really looking too much into it! I’ll leave it to the pros when it comes to this~

Yuma’s Mystery:
When it comes to Yuma, I don’t really see him other than at work. But, the number one mystery is that when I do see him, his face is always different. I’ll take a gooood look and deeply carve his face into my mind but it ends up changing. *sentence gets cut off*… :(

The Mystery of Girls: (sentence gets cut off at certain point but I tried to summarize it)
When it comes to girls, why are they quick to say, “Cuteeeee-♥”?
It’s not like it's their true intention to say it? Is it just that it’s become a favorite phrase? That’s what I think. Words like “Gross” and “Cute” are ones I don’t understand. I guess it’s become the norm.
But I like it when girls praise me by calling me cute. Because I really am cute (laughs)


Owari :3

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translation:scan, chinen yuri, myojo:march, g: nyc, translation:myojo, 2013

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