Browsing the polaroid community rekindles my thirst for an SX-70 Polaroid.

Dec 18, 2009 17:00

I stumbled across this guy named  Derek Wood's Flickr by accident and I really enjoyed his photography so maybe you will too. It's fun to see how a photographer progresses and improves when going through their photostream -- for me, anyway.

I've been having, well, I always have strange dreams but they've been worth mentioning as of late. I woke up in a panic in the middle of a forrest in the dead of winter and I noticed a polar bear trudging up a path towards me so I broke into a sprint in the direction I thought was correct. I found people walking up a different path in the woods and asked them which way the nearest town was. They were just kids that weren't any help so I ran in the direction that they came from. I found their car and knocked on the window. It was their mother apparently and I asked how to get to my town. All of a sudden I was in their car with their entire family and I soon realized she had two sets of twin boys. One of the boys turned to me and said, "Did you know she has to a pill thisssss big to control her anger??" The size of the pill he measured with his hands was the size of like a small pillow. Anyway, they eventually dropped me off at the train station. I was surprised to find this kid, Adam Heimer, who was in my second grade class and who I haven't seen since the eighth grade. There was this other kid there too, Pasquale, who went to junior high / high school with me and he was begging Adam to sell him drugs LOL. They greeted me and a few minutes later two kids ran into the train station and one of them, named Ethan (who I haven't seen since early junior high and who used to be Adam's best friend in grade school), stopped in the doorway and I couldn't understand what he was saying to Adam but he was really excited until Adam realized who Ethan was and both their expressions changed to surprise. Ethan then bolted out the door as if he didn't want Adam to recognize him and Adam yelled for him to wait and ran after him. Then the dream changed and I was stealing dinner plates from a store in the mall for my mom and got caught sort of? I like hid the plates under some clothes when asked if I had anything on me. I was off the hook, somehow.

So remember how my friend (Michelle) and I used to lurk / watch this Russian sports station every night for like a whole summer? WELL! I went to the thrift store yesterday with a couple of my friends and found a gem I am very proud to now own. As you may recall, Jonathan and Thomas (the names we gave our foreign friends) had a penchant for wearing the same things more than once. And that's not to say that I have a problem with wearing something twice but if you're wearing it for like, five days in a row... we need to talk.


Anyway..... Matt and I have been sort of on and off annoyed with each other for the past few days. I took a screen shot of one of our AIM conversations because I thought it was funny. Click here! Some other things:
  • I saw Julie and Julia and was pleasantly surprised. I will always remember Amy Adams as the cute / geeky nurse with braces that seduced what's his name in Catch Me If You Can.
  • I love Joseph Birdsong. If you don't already know, he's one of the vloggers from 5 Awesome Gays on YouTube and I suggest that you watch his videos. He's so adorable and funny *dreamy sigh* I wish we were friends. Find him on or
  • I've decided to not pluck my eyebrows all month and then go to the mall and have those thread ladies thread them into the perfect shape. Good thing I have bangs. I'm in pretty dire need of a haircut, too.
  • I had been thinking about doing a vlog for a while now but I wasn't sure whether to go through with it 'cause I'm probably a pretty obnoxious person on the internet and irl soooooo we'll see. I was iNsPiReD *~ after watching Gaby's ( timidtongue ) vlogs, though.
  • I turn nineteen on the 26th!!! I WILL HAVE LIVED NINETEEN YEARS. I'm so old. I wish I could stay seventeen or eighteen forever.

thrift, birthday, matt crupi, youtube, dreams, flickr, russians, movies

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