So last night I bought my boyfriend something (can't say what because he'll probably read this) online for Christmas and it literally took me like five days to actually buy it because it was like fifty dollars and it PHYSICALLY HURTS ME to buy things.
My mom wants me to give my brother $100 for Christmas (and she'll give him money too) so he can buy parts for a new computer. One hundred...dollars.....Yeahhhhhhhhhh, I was thinking more along the lines of under thirty...five...dollars... She's like trying to get at least four hundred dollars together so that he can buy computer parts. WHAT ABOUT ME? WHO'S GATHERING MONEY FOR ME? WHAT ABOUT THAT CAMERA I'VE WANTED FOR THREE YEARS? WHERE'S MY FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS? Of course, I can't say that because we're POOR and my brother helps pay for bills because he makes like twenty dollars and hour and I barely work ever and I'm greedy and try to make my money last as long as it can. I have like $360 in my bank account that has to last me till the end of February and it'll probably be down to 200 after I'm done with buying *shudders* Christmas gifts. Not that I didn't help out with money occasionally when I worked at Walgreens and had a paycheck every two weeks but my mom CONVENIENTLY fails to remember.
My mom has been getting little things for my cousin, Wendy, because she's like ten times more poor than us. Even though every time she sees her dad (her parents are divorced) he gives her like 200 dollars. ANYWAY, my mom was like, "0o0o0o0 why don't you get her that Twilight book. She said she wanted that." We were at Walmart and my mom wanted me to BUY the book right then and there and I lied and said it was cheaper at Barnes & Noble (it's not cheaper at B&N).
Let's hope that when I loot the Twilight book this curse (of uncertain origin) is not bestowed upon me:
For him that stealeth a book from this library, let it change into a serpent in his hand and rend him. Let him be struck by palsy and all his members blasted. Let him languish in pain, crying aloud for mercy and let there be no surcease to his agony till he sink to dissolution. Let bookworms gnaw his entrails in token of the Worm that dieth not and when at last he goeth to his Final Punishment, let the flames of Hell consume him for ever and aye.
so grainy
i like pringles
i like cow
oh, michelle...
I was going to make a joke using bea's lj username
jumpedship but i thought it was shipwrecked.....LOL
.....there goes my joke
Hmmmm. In more exciting news, remember my knife that I lost? If you don't, I'll quickly retell the short version of the story. I was in Logan Square, this boy named Cameron sat next to me on the bench I was sitting on. We talked. He let me browse the artists on his iPod. I aproved. I went over to his apartment with his friend who seemed like she had done a little to many hallucinogens. Fastforward a few weeks. I'm at his apartment again. I tell him I've always wanted a knife. He runs into a room and brings out a suitcase, opens it and reveals all kinds of knives ROFL. I take out this knife that is MORE THAN I COULD EVER WANT and he lets me play with it and even tells me I can borrow it. Tells me that it was his uncle's. I lose touch with Cameron and I lose the knife once but find it in my mother's glove compartment. I lose it a second time and I never find it again. T_T
SO! I was searching the web and
THIS RIGHT HERE (fastforward a little) is the exact knife I used to have. I was talking to my sort of friend who's kind of a huge faggot and talks about getting stoned and how much he used to party a lot, Marty, online and he said that his friend has a bunch of knives like that and that he'd talk to him today and see if he was up for selling one or just telling me where he got them. They're pretty easy to find at markets, buttttttt I haven't seen any markets around.
I'm sure if my mom read my Livejournal this is probably an entry I wouldn't want her to read (Well, I wouldn't want her to read any of my entries).
Especially the line, "Glamour Kills won't sponsor us so All Time Low won't tour with us." *wipes tear* Genius.
P.S. Does anyone have the new Paramore album? I've only found it on torrent websites and I haven't redownloaded the uTorrent program yet. This would probably take me a total of seven minutes to do so but I'm pretty lazy. I'll enable comments if you've got it and are willing to send it :D ?? WINDOWS 7 ROCKS BTW.
P.P.S. I could probably make
this, so why am I contemplating buying it?