August 8, 2008 lunch

Aug 09, 2008 00:07

Description and method: Leftover German potato salad, two buns with margarine and cheddar on them, and water in a bottle that will kill me. This was taken on top of the dryer at work. Isn't it amazing how disgusting the top of a dryer can start to look when people continually spill colour all over it without cleaning it up? Colour actually needs to sit on the appliance overnight in order for it to stain. Why on earth is it getting quite this dirty!?

Quick Yeast Rolls

2 TBS shortening
3 TBS white sugar
1 cup hot water
1 package active dry yeast
1 egg, beaten
1 tsp salt
2 1/4 cups flour

1. Preheat over to 425'F and grease 8 muffin cups
2. In a large bowl mix the shortening, sugar, and hot water. Allow to cool until lukewarm and mix in your yeast until dissolved. Mix in egg, salt, and flour.
3. Cover and allow dough to rise until doubled in size (60 - 90 mins)
4. Divide the dough into the prepared muffin cups and cover and allow to rise again until double in size (30-45 mins)
5. Bake for 10 minutes in the preheated oven.

These come out really soft, but then have a nice little crispy crust on the half that sits in the muffin tin. I've also made these with margarine instead of shortening, but the shortening gives them much better longevity and makes them soooooooooo soft. Sometimes the prepared dough is really sticky though. A nice addition to any meal!
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