Nov 03, 2009 18:49
Caulk has been caulked, and the remaining new siding has been painted. There's still plenty to do, including a second coat of paint before I get started on deck stuff, but I did not have to tack up plastic over any part of the house when I finished today. Finally.
Then I went to help Mom move stuff into the condo -- for what that was worth. It took longer to drive over there than it did to unload the van; Mom's really not into this moving thing. Stopped to vote on the way.
It's supposed to rain tomorrow and Thursday, so deck stuff will be put off until this weekend. I've got to get a couple of good dry days for the deck joists to air before I can put down new deck surface. On the plus side, Mom says I can borrow the van to haul deck boards, which is a step up from strapping them to the top of the Escort.
Thursday I'll be running up north with Mom to get another load (well, for sufficiently minimalist definitions of the word) of stuff, mostly plants and the TV. And anything else I can persuade her to let me pack. I get that she doesn't want to strip the place up north until it sells, but right now all the furniture in the condo except for one end table either inflates or folds up.
Oh, must remember to buy a new saw blade along with the deck boards. The circular saw's been giving me a hard time on the siding; hopefully it's just a dull blade.
And somewhere in there I've got to get to a landscape supplier for some kind of gravel-fill for under the deck, for drainage and to discourage any future underground tenants.
I want my planner, damn it.