Over the last four years, I have created and made available free of charge over 230 hours of audio content. Two hundred and thirty hours. If you listened to the free C-Realm content for 16 hours a day, it would take you more than 2 weeks to get through it all.
I have put out shows so consistently that I outgrew my archive on PodOMatic. When I reached the point at which PodOMatic wanted to raise my hosting fees to more that $50 a month I deleted most of the older shows from PodOMatic and moved them over to Liberated Syndication. Now I post each new episode both to PodOMatic and to Libsyn.
Libsyn has some bells and whistles that PodOMatic lacks. For instance, Libsyn allows me to create a
C-Realm iPhone app and upload some bonus content that will be available to people who buy the app. The app is a one-time purchase. It costs $1.99 or about as much as a cup of coffee, and thereafter you have access to any bonus content that I upload to Libsyn.
Some listeners are unhappy with this development.
Some listeners have expressed irritation that I'm charging money for content even though I still provide as much free content every Wednesday as I have for the past four years. The C-Realm Podcast is not one second shorter now that I set aside a bit of content for iPhone app users. I have had to cut some material from almost every interview I've ever recorded to fit the one-hour format of the show. For four years, nobody heard this material. Now a few people with iPhones get to hear a bit of it.
Some listeners don't like Apple and would not own an iPhone for that reason. I sympathize with this view. Given my financial situation, I can't even contemplate shelling out for the kind of phone and cellular service that would let me run apps, but if I were in the market for a smart phone, I'd probably want something that ran the Android operating system. Libsyn doesn't offer an Android app. If this pisses you off, take it up with Libsyn.
To get and run the C-Realm iPhone app, you do need either an iPhone or an iPod Touch. If you go the phone route, you do have to use AT&T as your carrier. Not happy with that situation? Neither is Apple. Nothing I can do about it.
I did not make a decision to favor Apple over any other hardware company or OS. I did not decide to favor AT&T over any other cellular carrier. Libsyn offered me the opportunity to derive a tiny income stream from my podcast without inserting commercials or putting banner ads on the site, and I accepted the offer. What they offer is an iPhone app. I didn't build it or contract with someone to have it built. All I did was create the audio content and upload it to Libsyn.
It absolutely blows my mind that anybody would have the temerity or sense of entitlement to complain about this. We're talking about such a minuscule portion of the content I create and such a minuscule amount of money. It simply boggles me that someone would get bent out of shape over the fact that I haven't gone to great trouble or personal expense to make the bonus content available to them on their choice of phone or cellular carrier.
It blows my frakking mind.