Sep 11, 2001 09:58
Id on't understand. .. ooh god.... why?
What the hell is going on today?
The Twin Towers. oh god. why? oh all those people... The rescue workers...
I"m sobbing and I can't stop. I"m glad i"m not driving to school today.
I"m scared. Vvvvery scared.
I"m crrying for the rescue workers who went into the second Tower to save people.. and it collapsed. Oh God save them all.....
I'm nott making much sesne. I' don't know how I"m going to get through classes. I'm terrified. I'm sobbing.
Oh God, I'm scared. The only reason I'm not freaking out so much is that I'm tlalking to Furrball,s o I know that they're okay.
What kind of fuckheads would do this? Psychos. Oh why? What the hell did any of those people in the Twin Towers ever do to anyone? To hav ehtis sort of planned, coordinated multiple attack? Jesus. God help us all.
They woudln't attack an ex-military base would they? ... beccause I live next to an ex-military base. Like, no more military types unles stehy're ex...
God... oh god.... oh... those... those poor people..
I've got to go... heh. to class. I'm .... yeah. Lord, save them.