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Mar 06, 2020 19:46

زهی zihe, zahe, How good! excellent! well done! - zihe rūʼe, What a face! (either in admiration or, on the contrary, in disparagement).
ب‍ﮩ‍ره ور bahrawar, Favoured, happy
 A سمر samr (v.n.), samar, Evening conversations; a story, tale; an adventure; night, darkness; the shadow of the moon; moonlight; time; a vestibule; 
a دور daur, Time, age; a revolution, period of years; a period of 360 solar years; evil times; days of oppression; a state of poverty; the world, fortune; the repetition of a lesson; a cup handed round by the guests; intelligence which spies transmit to the court of their sovereign; [dauri charḵẖ (gardūn), Motions of the heavens; - dauri zamān, Revolution of ages; - dauri qamarī, The lunar cycle (at the commencement of which Adam was created); - daur kardan, To encircle, surround; to turn about, revolve; to muffle or wrap round; - dauri kase giriftan, To congregate round one (m.c.);
يگانه yagāna (for yak-gāna), One, single, sole, unique, singular, incomparable; alone; a person unequalled in anything; a conqueror; a brother, a friend; a pearl;
   A زمان zamān, Time, season; an age; tense
A نادر nādir, Singular, rare, uncommon, unusual, wonderful, excellent, precious; projecting; rarely; - nādiru ʼl-ḥusn, Of uncommon beauty; - nādiru ʼl-wuqūʻ, Of rare occurrence.

оригинал, слова, таджикский

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