Round 2 Winners/Round 3 Reminder

Jan 14, 2008 07:34

Round 2 had some great entries. Make sure you check them out if you haven't already. Now, on to the winners!

Mods' Choice

[Fic] To Have Regret [Murata, G] by sagemuraken

Here is your banner if you would like it and an extra point has been added to your tally!

People's Choice

[Fic] Because You Still Stumble [Conrad, Wolfram, and Yuuri, G] by mirai_chan

Here is your banner if you would like it and an extra point has been added to your tally!

First runner up:

[Art] Cheers [Cheri, G] by arana_suteshi

Second runner up:

[Fic] Forbidden Fruit [One-sided Murata/Wolfram, R] by daskatzechen

Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote!

This also brings us to the half way mark for Round 3! We already have some great submissions. There are a couple of people looking for partners for the team up in the comments. Please submit your entries by next Sunday, January 20 at 9pm EST (US) (Monday, 2am GMT.)

winners, round 002, reminder, round 003

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