Round 3 Themes

Jan 06, 2008 20:09

Welcome to round three of kkm_challenge! Please read through our user information if you haven’t already and then this post to get started and then begin submitting!

The Themes
Choose ONE of the following themes. They do NOT need to be combined, although you certainly may do so if you wish.

1) Authors and Artists: 10 years later-Write or draw something of any length or size that occurs 10 years after the end of the anime. You may depict events that happened less than 10 years ago to flush out the story, but the setting or main action should be 10 years later!
2) Authors and Artists: Team up-You can write or draw on any KKM-themed subject using any characters you want, but you must work in collaboration with someone else! The breakdown of work is up to you, but it should be more than just having a story betaed. Doujinshi and comic strips are VERY welcome!

+ You are welcome and encouraged to bring new members to the community! (Yes, that may have been our evil plan.)

+ Points will be fully awarded to each person listed provided both are members.

+ Either person may post, but BOTH names should be listed.

+ If you’d like to team up with more than one other person you may do so, but the limit is three. We aren’t made of points! Actually, if you do make a submission of more than three, you are perfectly welcome, but points will not necessarily be fully awarded.

+ As much as we’d like you to bring in fresh blood faces into the game, if you would like a partner but don’t have one readily available, you may comment on this post. Just be clear about what you do and what kind of person you are seeking (artist or author?)

The Deadline
Sunday, January 20 at 9pm EST (US) (Monday, 2am GMT)

The Drill
+ Follow all of the rules.

+ There is no limitation on the number of items you may submit this round, but you must submit each piece separately.

+ You may submit items from any or all of the themes. You may even combine the themes where appropriate.

+ Your submissions may be any length or size.

+ Comment on this post if you have any questions on this particular round. General questions can be submitted here.

+ Be creative and have fun! ♥

Vote for Round 2 submissions!

themes, round 003

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