[Art] [Round 3] Dress Code, G/PG

Jan 12, 2008 17:05

Author/Artist: the_pioden (artist) and non-member enbato (writer)
Characters/Pairings: Greta, Yuuri, Wolfram, Murata, Conrad, Günter
Word Count: N/A
Rating: G/PG, I'm not totally sure. Worksafe, but definately not brainsafe.
Any Warnings: Minor crossdressing, epic crack
Theme/Prompt being used: Round 3: Team Up

And for your enjoyment, what Murata was doing to Wolfram, detail view:

NOTES: I REGRET NOTHING. Except gangsta!Conrad. That I regret. I'm sorry, Conrad. You didn't deserve that.
Apologies for any illegibility. I replaced my handwriting with typing, but I shrunk it and now it's somewhat hard to read.

murata, challenger - the_pioden, greta, round 003, fanart:2008, yuuri, wolfram, conrad, gunter

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