Mar 04, 2007 17:06
I'm back, bitches! *dances* My computer is fixed (and guess what, it was the bloody LCD light...I officially win at life), and operations chez moi are back to normal. Well, normal with a few bonus bits:
*I've just downloaded the newest version of AIM, and I'm really pleased with it. It's totally tab-tacular, and incorporates a lot of the features I always liked about GAIM, Yahoo!, and some of the other messenger programs. You can also see the nod design-wise to Apple's stuff...very shiny.
*I got an upgrade at work! I hesitate to say promotion, because it's really not, but I'm definitely a step closer to becoming a legit research assistant (they get paid, I don't...stupid for-credit undergraduate status). Basically, I moved up from entering questionnaire data and now I'm working on more diagnostic stuff, giving me a better idea of how raw interview data gets transformed into something that can actually be analyzed and interpreted. Being a total nerd, I think it's pretty cool, okay?
*My application to squat my room was approved! For those unsettled by the awkwardness of that sentence, I'll elaborate: my university offers upperclassmen the opportunity to remain in the same apartment-style housing for the next year, but only for about 300 students. You also have to have the room completely filled at the time of filing, so I was rushing around about a month ago to make sure I had enough roommates signed on for next year (I'll be pulling three rising sophomores into the room). Anyway, I got the e-mail the other day confirming that I won't have to find off-campus housing for my senior year! I'm so grateful for this, mostly because finding affordable, livable housing in DC is a bitch, and I'd rather not deal with bills untill I really must. Student loans are fabulous.
*The GW Men finished off an up-and-down season at home with a win against Duquesne (88-80), and I'm happy for them, even if they kind of fucked my chances to attend any first or second round NCAA games (only 30 band members are allowed court-side for tournement games, so we split the band...since the Men probably aren't going to NCAAs, almost all the kids going to the Women's tournament are seniors). There's always the chance they could pull off an A-10 tourney win, but it's a long shot. A big one.
*The GW Women (featuring my favorite player, Lisa Steele--c'mon, it's probably the best name in basketball, all porn-sounding and whatnot), though they just lost in the A-10 tourney, still have a good chance of making it to the Sweet 16. I would be stoked to play with the Colonial Brass at those games!!!
*My grades are looking good so far this semester: I got an 88 on my first Sex Differences exam, and something similar on my first Research Methods exam (I don't remember the exact number off the top of my head). I've been working my ass off in Music Theory, and I managed to get above 100% on a recent quiz. I was so thrilled because even though it didn't mean much overall to my grade, it meant a lot to me because I really had to buckle down and learn the material in a meaningful way. That shit's a lot harder than it looks!
I finally got around to seeing Pan's Labyrinth, and I'm so glad I did. It was spectacular. I highly recommend it, but be forewarned that it's fairly depressing. Fun fact: if you don't speak Spanish, the bottom third of the screen going dark might be problematic. Seriously, this happened at the theatre when I was watching the movie, and I was left thinking "quoi?" It was only for a few minutes, but there was only so much real-time translating my Spanish-speaking friend could do, ha ha! I'm pretty sure I didn't miss too much, though. =P
Why can't Thursday come more quickly? I want to find out what happens to Jim, and more importantly, Jim/Pam!!!!!! I am so obsessed with this show, it's pretty silly.