Randy Harrison hates my computer.

Feb 20, 2007 02:47

*points to subject line* This is clearly the reason my laptop--Darth Lappie--decided to crap out on me. About three weeks ago I got home from rehearsal to find that my screen was way darker than it ever should be, even at the lowest brightness setting. The images on the screen weren't distorted at all, but they were hardly visible and it was (of course) really annoying. After rebooting and playing with the monitor settings for a while, the possibility popped into my head that maybe the LCD backlight thingy was out. A call to a computer nerd friend verified that this could be true. I thereafter gave up on trying to fix it myself and became set on finding a place that would repair my stupid, stupid laptop. I settled on Best Buy, and made the fun-filled Metro trip out to Pentagon City Mall.

Here's the thing, though: Best Buy refused to fix my computer. The Geek Squad guy was really shifty with me, too--he was all "we don't do that" and then didn't give me a reason why! He asked why I thought the backlight was out, and I gave him a rapid-fire list of reasons why, with the disclaimer of "but...that's why I'm here, because I'm not totally sure." He then gave me this look that I'm sure some car mechanics think they can give unsuspecting women, and gave this speech about how I should just buy a new computer. Um. I don't want to buy a new computer unless I absolutely have to, thanks. (Of course, if the repairs are going to cost more than a few hundred dollars I could be convinced to convert to the Macbook--I currently have a Dell--but dude. Clearly the Best Buy guy didn't have my best interests at heart if he thought it would be okay to automatically start spouting off a sales pitch.) The guy finally said I'd have to take my computer to a Dell-authorized repair place for the hardware, but since he didn't have a list of places at hand (because apparently this kind of thing never comes up, ever *rolls eyes*), I found the little Dell-selling kiosk thing in the middle of the mall. The guy there told me that since all Dells come custom, I'd have to call the company tech support line and probably send them my computer directly, which wouldn't be a problem if I weren't pretty sure that my mom didn't get a warranty for the bloody thing when I got it three years ago as a graduation gift.
So. *sighs* This is why I haven't been online much lately, what with the whole computer sucking thing. It's kind of driving me crazy. So many things have passed by that I haven't gotten down in a Word document, and I know that's going to annoy me even more as time goes on. *ponders* Maybe it would be worth just coughing up the thousand bucks for a Macbook.

In other news, Valentine's Day this year was awesome! The night before people kept hinting that it might snow, so a friend and I stayed up half the night having ICE WATCH 2007 (basically meaning we watched The Office and ran outside in a frenzy every hour, on the hour, to see if there was enough snow to have a snowball fight--we're easily amused). We were operating under the assumption that DC totally can't handle snow/ice and that the road conditions might work in our favor regarding, like, classes. Well, it totally paid off--for the first time since I've been at university, all my classes were canceled the next day!!! Also, a paper deadline was extended. Woot! I slept in really late and then had pizza for breakfast. Later that night, I got together with a bunch of friends and we watched The Departed. Oh, we also ate lots and lots of food. I really couldn't have asked for more. Significant others are highly overrated.

I started my internship with the Psychiatry Department recently, and I've discovered my true calling as a data entry ninja! Well, not really, but it's a job and I'm getting credit, so I probably shouldn't complain. I mean, where else would I be able to wear my Ipod to work? I also like not having to talk to too many people--I've always worked previously in very people-oriented fields (catering, receptionist work), so working in my own little world with my own set of files is actually kind of nice.

What's been going on in the fic world as of late? It's more than a little awkward reading fic in the computer labs, but I could probably sneak a peek if there are any particularly fabulous stories floating about...*shifty eyes* I miss chatting with my fandom-type peoples!!!

Oh, one last thing, and he's going to hate me for this:
zoller started the fire. It was always burning since the world's been turning. (An alternative subject line to this post was: I guess this makes him The Fire Guy.)
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