22. I've never had a boyfriend.

Sep 09, 2009 01:55

(Oooo controversy?.....probs not. that's not how I roll. take what you want from it)

A few glimpses into the love life of Alycia.

Alex: When are you gonna get a boyfriend.
Me(in my head): Ha yea right , not while I'm here. (note the skepticisim)

Betsy: Ok so do you have someone or something?
Me: Honestly, no. Timing has been  horrible. i was done with hs so clearly nothing there. Then first year of school, came home, back to school for only 6 months then another place for six months then school then away again then senior year and who knew what was happening after that. yeaaa not really conducive to that.

Gretchen: ok so they want to experience all parts of life to the fullest
Me: Yes but think about it like this why would I waste my time that coulod be spent doing so many other amazing things on someone who isn't worth it? I don't have time for that. it's a waste. I can just be patient and wait for someone who is.

Funny hypothetical conversation me and deadria had outloud  one night9 just to lighten things up so ya'll don't think I'm a complete head case...even though this might make it worse but it's me and Dee so we're silly sometimes)

discussing what will happen when one of us get's engaged/pregnant

Dee: Yeaa so we were eatign and this guy li\ke got down on his knee and stuff
Me: really? wierd what was he doing there?
Dee: I don't know. I think he asked me to marry him or some thing. i woke up the next day and he was still here.
Me: Wierd. what did you do?
Dee: I think I said yes. He gave me this ring
Me : really?
Dee: Yea it was really shiny. so yeaaa
Me: well yea i guess since it was really shiny
::girlish/sisterly squeals of exciftement::

Me: dude i'm pregnant
Dee: really? wierd..annd kind gross
Me: yea i know there's like this thing growing in me
Dee: eww does it move and shit
Me: yeaa it like kicks and stuff
Dee: how'd it get in there? that sounds liuke fucking alien.
Me:I don't know. there was this guy i think he did it.
::girlish/sisterly squeals of excitement:::
note these last two were completely fake conversations me and dee made up one day while I think intoxicated. We have vowed to re-enact them when the time comes.
Ps. I am finishing this 25 things prompts this week!! ffrgrr)

25 things

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