A real update without limitations of numbers and superficialities

Jan 08, 2010 02:49

But there is soo much more in my life than that. God, the last 6 months in my life. I'm sure if you've just graduated it's just as much of a trip as mine as been. No matter where you went. It's the same you question, you feel a bit lost, you find some things. Man, it's been a hell of a ride.  I think I'm just gonna post some thoughts. Fit them where you will.

"They say doing the same thing and expecting different results is insanity. So I tried something different, but why does it feel like I'm losing my mind"
" I feel trapped by the opinions of those I care about. It's not the east coast I long for but the freedom of being the only judge of my actions" 
\"Am I biding my time or building a life?"
" Do you know that feeling when someone makes you so happy you can barely inhale? Music does that. "
" I've fallen in love with words and barest sight, can I never go back? Maybe I am reaching for something that's not there, or am I just scared" 
"Whatever it is, what it comes down to is that I am an artistic person"
"When I am creating I am most happy, at peace, centered"
"What am I truly passionate about?"
"And the 22nd year shall go down as the year of confusion and restlessness"
"I'd be more sure of what I want to do if i was more sure of my skills"
" I am scared. Courageous though I may seem, know that each step, each choice is made with hasty glances backwards, cautious groping, constant calculation and doubt"
"I envy those who can give of themselves freely"
"I don't want to work my way into love. This is probably horribly lazy."
"Maybe my problem is I don't go in looking for a relationship, I still feel it is all only temporary so I feel no need to put in effort."
" I have a friend who can always fall for someone. I can't determine if this is a gift or a curse"
" No.....No, I don't want to some day own my own pastry place"
" It's hard when you know friendships are more temporary than family. Cause family will not understand your need to spend as much time as you possibly can with your temporary friends. Some one gets hurt and time gets lost"
" There is no one to go dancing with here. No. Our friends don't dance. Yea no. There's no one here to do that. I haven't gone since I left."

I'm actually rather surprised at the amount of my life that can be put together by this.
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