21. I have horrible short term memory. I walk into rooms and forget what for all the time...

Aug 04, 2009 01:07

 ...But I can rememeber things from when I was three.

Things I remember:

1. When we were in Tennessee for my great grandmothers funeral ( I was 4 or 5). One of my cousins was a baby and we spent alot of time playing outside since it was the country. We had to give her a bath and then they took off her diaper in the tub and then a spider crawled out. .....this is really gross I think I was more grossed out by the diaper.

2. Being a flower girl in my aunts wedding( age 3). I was mad that I didn't get to actually throw flowers just carry a basket with flowers. The dress itched like none other and the whole time my mom was telling me to stop scratching. Although I loved how the dress looked I was always worried to wear it again because of the itching.

3. Melting crayons on our friend Chanel's radiator (5)

5. Getting to sleep in our clothes once because my mom was working a really late shift and we all had to go pick her up. I remember being in the car driving down lakeshore drive and looking out the window at the color of the street lights being that funny yellow they are but being really fascinated by it and everything about the nighttime because I had never been up/out so late. (4)

6. Our friend Simone fell asleep on the bus in preschool after a field trip. We all got off the bus and no one saw her sleeping. So the bus pulled off and started driving away when one of the teachers notice she wasn't with us. The teacher who was kinda of heavy set, and wearing a purple t-shirt took off running after the bus. (4 or 5)

7. The mysteriousness of the back guest room in our old house. The couch which was in there pulled out, the tub in the bathroom had clawed feet. I was always slighty creeped out by it like it would come alive.  One time we found a waterbug back there. (3 or 4)

8.All the things that happened when we lived in Chicago. We moved in January of first grade I was 7. All the stuff that happened before then and before me being in school I had to have been rather young.

Things I forget:
actual dates of birthdays, to bring empty cups upstairs, where I put my glasses, what I went into my bedroom/office/walk in at work for, to put the car keys on the counter, put my towel back in the bathroom, when I put things in their proper places I can't find them, to tell people things

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