I want to save this dolly head!!
http://www.rinkya.com/twview.pl?URL=http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k56813581 But i dont think i can use Rinkya because i dont have a credit card. >_<; Can someone help me?? >_> Please. at least give me advise or point me in the right way. how do i use it. The auction ends in 6 days!
In other news not much to report. Work is being a complete and total pain in my you know what. We have another town hall meeting friday. O_O; another "were firing 10-12 people" type meeting. ugh. there wont be anyone to work for us anymore!!! *is fretting*
Im about 90% sure im going to Metrocon in tampa in July. I have a room and tickets...i just need my time off to be approved. O.O; should be fun.
Chris and i are going very well together. hes mind blowingly sweet and patient with me. I cant even annoy him. lol its so weird. Im glad hes around. i enjoy just napping in his bed and cuddles and stuff. Plus he cooks for me! yaay! baked zeti...yumm. i cant spell either. lol!
Umm the dolly thing has exploded. theres a few new members of the house. and a few more to be expected.
This is Halifax...though her name might change. She's a modded MNF shiwoo
and this is Pia, a MNF Soo with a modded body that will be further modded cause the poor dear got heavily abused in the sanding department and lost her boobs. ;_;
Not new but my goldfish girl Oranda got a new wig which suits her much better:
then theres little Marron-chan!
and i think thats it. But im expecting:
A blue fairy nicky
A MNF ruth as Kenshin
and a Volks Tsubaki and most likely an Angel Region Mini Fair Jade boy. o.o; ive gone off the deep end again.
But i want to save that head! *grabby hands* help me please??
thats everything really...later