Dec 24, 2010 00:13
today's accomplishments include wrapping the christmas gifts and writing 600+ words on the gift fic. i was about to write, 'and it's still early so i can write more' - then i looked at the clock. hmph. i guess midnight is not exactly early, though i still may write a little more, if i can eek it out ...
in other good news, the rain has stopped for the moment, which makes me happy. the bad weather caused trouble with my phone line and consequently the dsl, so my internet has been unreliable and my phone full of static. the earliest appointment the automated service offered to fix the phone line was next wednesday. consequently, i was a tad cranky. however, today everything was completely out for a while, and i was pondering whether there was any point in calling again. and then it came back. apparently, unbeknownst to me, the technician had arrived to fix it. he called a few minutes after i noticed it was working again to let me know he'd repaired it. it seems the splice was really corroded, but now i have the best wiring of anyone in my building. *preens* *giggles*
as for the head cold - well, it's not as completely gone as i wish, but it's moving in that direction. each night i think, tomorrow i will wake up and it will be completely gone. one of these days, it will have to actually work that way, right?
merry christmas to everyone who celebrates it. and *hugs* if you want them.