Been a few weeks...

Mar 11, 2010 10:55

So I haven't been writing like I said I was.  Oh, well.  I should document that we actually received a relatively significant snowfall on February 23rd.  It was so awesome.  I was at the office when it started, and looking out the windows over the valley looked like a snow globe.  BIG flakes.  It was so pretty with the evergreens that we have outside.  Too bad it was February and not December!  We did still have the Christmas tree up, though...  LOL.  I went home early and had a snow day at the house with Brett and the kitties.  We let them outside and Radar was scared, King his usual calm self just sniffing around, and Velvet headed right for the yard!  She got her paws snowy and muddy.  She is not scared of anything!

I turned 27 last Monday.  On Saturday we went bowling with BFF, BFF's sister, A, N, B&D, and Husband (of course).  It was so much fun!  I was actually a lot better than I thought I would be.  They kept pouring beer down my throat, so no surprise my game got better and then much worse!  BFF, her sis and her mom bought be jewelry, several shirts from Old Navy, and a new purse.  So awesome of them because I certainly was not expecting any presents!  Then last weekend I got my haircut way shorter than ever and Husband bought me a Chi flat iron.  It is taking some getting used too, but I like the haircut.  It definitely makes me look more "put together".

Anyway, that's about it!  Now I'm just plugging away and waiting for the trip to Orlando!
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