Update on progress

Aug 25, 2009 16:11

So it is kind of hard to tell how I am progressing on the anti-depressants.  There have been notable changes, such as I am walking with my head up instead of staring at the floor, and other stuff I can't think of right now!  On Sunday I just got over I guess what I would call a "slump".  I was very unmotivated, tired, just pretty blah.  And I have been getting headaches, which is new, at least since I've been on the meds.  The headaches may be due to allergies, though.  Mold has been very high.  Last night I got a migraine, that was pretty terrible.  I took the Imitrex but I don't know how it worked because I was so sick to my stomach I just went to sleep.  Today I woke up with a minor headache (felt like sinuses) that quickly progressed to migraine.  I took the Imitrex and it made me hot, short of breath, tired, and my body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds.  It killed the headache though.  I felt bad for about 30 min, so in all it took about 1 hour for me to feel better.

I guess I am  kind of worried still that I won't notice if the meds aren't working, since I obviously was not self-aware enough to notice how bad off I was in the 1st place.  Sunday I had some major anxiety about coming to work on Monday, for no reason at all.  It took 1 1/2 Klonopin for me to feel relaxed.  That's not a good sign.  I think the Zoloft may be working on the depression but not the anxiety so much?  I have taken 16 Klonopin in 1 month.  I think the 1st month (end of June to end of July), I took 14.  So about the same.  Like right now I am feeling very anxious about the meds not working.  Not good.  I just don't want to have to go back to the doc, wean off the Zoloft, have all the side effects of a new med again, etc.  That's gonna suck ass.

I've been missing Fat Cat a lot lately, too.  I love my new babies so much, but I am just still sad about Venus.  I don't know why all of a sudden I am thinking about her.  Maybe because it is close to our anniversary, and she was a part of our lives from the beginning.

I have snapped at Husband a few times, too.  I may be imagining he is rude when he is not, or maybe his rudeness is bothering me more.  I don't know, but it seemed like I had been villainizing him when I was "unwell", and it seems like I am having those feelings more the last week or so.

Right now I am feeling pretty much fine, though I could totally go to sleep.

So looking back it seems like it has been 2 weeks since I have felt what I would describe as "good".  I think I felt good yesterday until the headache started.  I am trying to adjust my diet.  I bought bananas, cereal, apples, and carrot sticks to have as snacks.  Then I went and bought another box of cookies last night, and ate a lot of potato chips when the Imitrex made me ill.  I just felt like I needed something starchy and high in fat to get my energy back up.  I don't know if that's how it works, but that is what I felt like.

I can feel the tension in my body.  My back started hurting last Thursday, and I went to the chiropractor Friday and again yesterday.  That may be what caused the headache, I don't know.  I just keep pressing my tongue to the roof of my mouth and I can feel the tension in my muscles, all wound up for no reason.  So. frustrating.
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