Feeling okay

Aug 27, 2009 14:53

I am feeling okay today.  A little emotional this morning, but not depressed or anxious.  I did, however, continue with a headache last night, didn't sleep well at all.  I am relatively sure it is related to seasonal allergies, though.  Today I took a Claritin before a headache started, and 2 Excedrin as one was starting, and it knocked it out.  I am super tired, though.

I read some stuff online from people on Zoloft where they actually had some ups and downs for months (like 5 months).  Hopefully that won't happen to me, but today I am more accepting that the meds are working and will continue to work better and better.  I am thinking of going with J to Washington, and it doesn't strike terror into my heart like it had been.  I am still anxious about it, but also confident that I will be able to handle it.  Good sign.
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