(no subject)

Jan 23, 2013 08:41

Fill in the correct preposition in the pronoun form which refers to the underlined noun.
1. Tuigeann Seán an cheist, ach níl a fhios air an freagra.
2. Tá na pictiúir seo go hálainn; an bhfuil tú ag iarraidh breathnú
3. Nuair a bhí mé in Éirinn, chuidigh siad

On second thought I don't think I can do these exercises out of turn. Moving on! Or, moving back to the other book and then moving on.
Join up the left and right hand columns to make sentences
a) Beidh cuid i) a chuid airgid sa bhanc
b) Tá cuid ii) ag cailleadh a chuid gruaige
c) Tá Pól iii) mo chuid dioscaí
d) Cuireann Seoirse iv) de na daoine déanach don chóisir
e) Seo v) díobh anseo cheana

a) Beidh cuid díobh anseo cheana.
b) Tá cuid de na daoine déanach don chóisir.
c) Tá Pól ag cailleadh a chuid gruaige.
d) Cuireann Seoirse a chuid airgid sa bhanc.
e) Seo mo chuid dioscaí.

Oof. No, I was going to do the dialogues but, no. Tomorrow.

My god, I actually slept through the night last night. It didn't result in any more exercise ... no, a little more exercise this morning, but not much, but that's something for check-in. But I actually slept through the night! Apart from one thing that may or may not have involved completely waking up, Murdock was nibbling on me. I think I woke up enough to pet him, but I have only a vague recollection of that even happening, so that might have been more the fact that he was sitting on me as I was falling asleep. That cat, I swear.

And enchiladas happened! Actually enchiladas happened on Monday but out of about ten or so that I made I got to eat three of them. Because the boy ate most of them. Even the leftovers. So I told him that it would be a sweet gesture if he went to the store on his way home from work this morning and got cheese so I could make a new batch, 'cause I had most of the stuff left for it. And he did. And then enchiladas happened.

And the point of all this was sort of, does anyone have an idea for a more reusable wrap for frozen meals like burritos and enchiladas and thing than tinfoil? I was kind of thinking of using the muslin that I have, but I don't know how good of an idea that would be. It would also probably require things to be dry when I put them in, but most fabricy things would be like that. (I was out of wax paper, or I would have used that which is at least more reusable than shreddy tinfoil.) And, god, I need to do all the baking this weekend. I'm thinking lemon bars and spice scones. Sunday is clearly All Day In The Kitchen. And. Something. Oh, and chicken from Saturday if the boy gets more of it.

As you may have noticed, periodically I love fucking around in the kitchen and being domestic.

Still Fuck It's Cold Outside cold, still probably warmer than it is in most of the rest of the United States. Which means I'm frozen and grumpy if I have to go out of doors, but less likely to bitch in public? Really, Asheville is an awesome place to live, weather-wise. The mountains mean we get little in the way of extreme weather at any given time. Of course, if the mountain passes, all of them, get rockslid shut we're ... maybe not so much fucked, but things will definitely slow to a craw. But other than that, we're in an amazingly peaceful part of the country.

I need to essay today, make a grocery list and probably a menu plan, and check in. With luck nothing catastrophic will happen and I'll actually get all of those things done, plus some relaxing tonight. In practice... well. In practice, we'll just have to see, won't we? Also I seem to need some food porn icons. Hurm.

food porn, grammar: prepositions, learning: irish, domestic goddess

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