Apr 28, 2011 21:14
Yes to Carrots line is good - mostly. The Tomatoes and Cucumbers lines are great for my skin. The YtCarrots, daily moisturizer with SPF? Not so much. I am a GREASEBALL by mid-morning. Back to the questionable Garnier SPF10 "grape water" stuff. Short of slapping on a few layers of zinc oxide like a surfer, anyone have any suggestions for facial sunscreen that aren't of the avobenzone/oxybenzone/wtfeveritis chemical variety? I need a sunscreen of some sort, but the 'standard' formulation makes me break out like I'm hitting puberty with a vengeance. My chin is a few layers of red spots deep right now, some blistered and peeling, some just sore and swollen. Ugh. It hurts to move my jaw. :(
Add to the disappointment - I've lost all of ONE pound this month. It's work stress*, more than anything, but still. :( :( :(
* Yes, I'm getting paid accurately enough now, but that doesn't mean I necessarily enjoy being treated like a shameless beggar while being expected to fruitlessly dig holes in the sand. Also, not knowing what I'm doing? Is making things especially frustrating and difficult. (Damnit, J, why did you have to quit? You knew what the hell was going on! Wah.)