
Apr 26, 2011 18:59


Was supposed to meet with !Manager regarding my effed-up paycheck - yesterday. (Paid wrong by payroll as well as being short. Grumpy Kitty is grumpy.)

!Manager never responded.

So today, after lunch, I just played dumb and ditzy and emailed the general HR mailbox asking if someone could pwetty pweeze exwpain to widdle ol' me the rules about OT and PTO and Makeup Time? (*cue batted lashes and innocent look*) Since I'm so easily confused and all that. [No way in hell am I letting this drop so it won't get corrected in time, damnit.]

Got a call from HR, explained that my manager said I Was Not Allowed to use PTO and OT together*, but was there a difference between scheduled PTO (planned, etc) and calling-in-sick PTO, because I can understand not wanting folks to work at time-and-a-half when they plan to be out, but it seems kinda harsh if you call in sick? No, not really a difference - PTO is PTO, no matter how you use it. HR!Lady was very nice and promised to research my question and get back to me.

I also spent an hour+ researching the CA Labor board site and annotating printouts. FYI: Makeup time is NOT mandatory, nor can an employer encourage it.** IF makeup time is used, by written agreement in advance, it is paid at the regular, non-OT rate. Also, CA is a daily-OT state, not weekly. More than 8 hours = OT. Not more than 40. I accrue a LOT of daily OT on my timecards.

Cue 5:10pm today. I'm CC'd (along with Head!of!Company...) on an email to Payroll stating that my original timecard stands - 8 hours OT, 12.5 hours PTO. No makeup time. Please correct ASAP. I can only guess the Company!Head was CC'd because there is going to be a lot of paycheck corrections going back a month or two now that the Rules Have Been Made Clear. (Because if the Company is caught by the Labor Board because someone complains, the fine is something like $1000 and a registered misdemeanor - per occurrence. There are 120 people in my office alone and we're a national company.)

Company: 0
Kitty: 1

I love winning through non-confrontation. (Passive agressive? Yes I Am!) We'll see what happens next payday. Though I did review ALL of my timecards starting in January - other than one business trip, I average about 78 hours a week. Renewal in the last pay period gave me about 82. So it's not like this last paycheck was much of an outlier as far as my payroll history is concerned. I never call in sick, and we had Termite Terry here to deal with bugs. So yes, the PTO number is unusual. The OT isn't.

* I saved the email: "You have OT and PTO in the same week; that is not allowed." [/endquote]

** I would like to also note that our company-issued makeup time forms even state explicitly the above Labor Board Paragraph, Section 513 AND also mention that if an employee works an Alternate Work Week schedule (as I do), makeup time is not even allowed. At all. [They don't specify if this is Labor Board AWW - 40 hours per week across shorter days - or !Company AWW - every other Friday is shorter if we work an 8 hour day instead of 7.5.]

(In non-payroll news, policy-level accounting is a NIGHTMARE and it's all on my desk and I really just want to throw my hands up and cry because our accounting system runs in DOS for all we're in Office 2007 now. Jeebuscriminy. On the bright side, a coworker wrote me a nice long email thanking me for working so hard and doing my damnedest to figure things out since the team lead [and expert] quit with very little notice three weeks ago.)

work, angrypants

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