"That's gonna leave a mark!"

Dec 15, 2008 13:45

Appropriate to my quote (this time), I was scratching my leg because my skin was dry as a desert before I put some quench on it, and then I came upon some blood red specks... then purple, then swollen green - and then I finally remembered.

"Oh yeaaaaaaaaaah, that's where the corner of the car door hit my leg!"

But that happened over a week ago and this horrendous bruise shows up, I didn't even feel it, the incident didn't even hurt me that badly, but it looks as if someone pulled a Tanya Harding on my shin! It's so gross and it scared the bejeezus out of me when I first saw it cause I thought I had scratched my itches so hard that it made me bleed.... naw, it's just a scary-ass bruise.

I know I'm probably being a little overdramatic, but it took me by surprise and even Ray looked like he was going to jump off the couch after seeing it. "What the hell did you do??" and then draconis_magus said something very colourful with language abounding but questioning 'what the hell did you do to yourself' in the process.

Bleh, I had to share it with my lovely f-list though.... it was like catching a fish. *puts on old lady voice* "You call that a bruise? That's nothin... back in my day we had these things called cars, with nasty points on 'em, and the thing bruised me so bad.... see, it's still swollen".

Ugh, and if I ever say I'm going to make guacamole again, you need to come up here and physically restrain me. I have no power over myself when faced with the yummy green goo and veggies... it's the heartburn that gets me after. I couldn't sleep for shit last night and I'm so tired today. *headdesk*

In other news, still haven't put our table-top christmas tree up yet... yep, it's still in the basement. But Ray has tomorrow off and will be hauling said tree up from the dungeon so we'll finally have a tree up somewhere in the house.

Lots of stuff going on, so much so that I didn't get one Christmas card filled out yesterday... *sigh*... I always fail at that bit of the holiday season. I figure I'm going to see everyone in the span of a week anyway and I can just bring them when I need to. Does that count? Well, it does to me, at least I'm making some kind of effort.

Anyway, I hope everyone else isn't having a case of the Mondays. I need a nap.

injury, christmas

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