"We're goin to see the elves!"

Dec 01, 2008 12:48

Alright, if it hasn't been obvious enough, I am totally addicted to knitting socks! I need to finish off my Gelato socks... in which one is done and the other isn't started yet, I know, bad. But I am going to finish off the one I need to finish before starting that one.... because, I can't have 3 different socks on needles at the same time, I think it's too much.

But of course, I had to start a new pair over the weekend didn't I? Yes I did. A long time ago when I first started knitting socks, slashfairy sent me a link to the Rivendell sock pattern and I was like WOAH! I can never do that! Well, I've got a few pairs under my belt and a gorgeous skein of Blue Moon Fibre Arts Socks that Rock in 'Pebbles' so... Friday I bought the pattern and by the time I got home I was casting on!

It is a really difficult pattern, for me anyway, at the beginning. I had to rip it back 3 times already and I need to pay careful careful attention, because if I have to rip it back again, I will be crushed! I finally got the eyelets right and I have the leaves at the top of the sock done! Now it's just working on the cables underneath which should be a breeze.... really hope I didn't just jinx myself there though.

Anyway, that's what I was doing all weekend and watching movies. I was extremely lazy except for the 4 hours I spent over at my uncle's house helping to pack up the kitchen. Other than that, I've just been lazy, and it feels good.

I should've brought my cable needle to work...


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