"You PMS like a bitch..."

Nov 25, 2008 13:23

Mhmm... tis time for a meaningless rant just because I feel like it.

First of all, who asked for this weather? Hmmmm? Cold, dark, rainy... more like snotty, dyslexic snow on/snow off crap! It's wrecking havoc with my head and my health and you know what, I don't care if it snows, I don't care if it's cold, just STAY THAT WAY!

Second, this has partly to do with said crap weather - Friday, after a pretty craptacular day I had a last minute bank run, a ponytail and no hat. I pretty much passed out when I got home from a bad headache that was spurred on by a slight ear-ache. Saturday was awesome! And I'll have more of that.... until early in the afternoon, the ear-ache returned with a vengeance and mom and dad had to take me home because the one side of my face was swollen. :( I also had to cancel out on having a friend over (which turned out ok cause she was feeling sick too). I've been generally feeling lethargic and not wanting to do anything except maybe knit, watch some movies... which isn't good for the laundry but I could care less in my state right now. My nose.... (sorry for the TMI here) is crunchy. Yes, bloody and crunchy from the dryness of heating, and yet, I'm still cold. I want summer back.

I would just like to go one day this season where every part of me feels... good. Not great, I don't have such high expectations, but good would be nice. No stitch in my back, no twisted neck, no bloody nose, no ear-ache, head-ache or general ass ache at random things. *sigh*

Ok, thus ends the ranting part of my journal. Now, let us focus on some neat things shall we???

Went to Toronto on Saturday with mom & dad and they took me to a place I've been dying to visit: Lettuce Knit. :) aside from being very embarrassed when we walked into a class at around 10am (they open at 11am apparently) I had lots of fun there and picked up some gorgeous lightweight Socks that Rock yarn by Blue Moon Fibre Arts. The colourway is called "Pebbles" and it's all muted pinks, yellows, greens and blues - gorgeous and I'm debating if I should make a really awesome pair of insanely complicated socks out of them, or a couple kinda plain pairs (with eyelets or some sort of cuteness on them).

After that though, we headed out to the Eaton Centre, which was a zoo.... already.... and it made me have homicidal thoughts when people wouldn't stop trying to walk directly through me. But, when the scent of LUSH caught my nose, I felt more at peace and thus felt like I could spend a bit of a bundle in there - which I did. Let me put it this way, I needed 2 bags.... but it took care of a LOT of Christmas presents. It was after that we headed to Indigo and found a cool present for my brother (which I have to take back to Chapters cause a part of it is broken.... grrr) and then the puffyfaceness ensued.

So, went home, called Lisa and cancelled out, and then passed out for around 4 hours. Ray made me some homemade soup though and that really helped - bless him, I guess he doesn't like it when I'm cranky ;)

This week I think is going to be spent knitting more, watching movies and generally being lazy!

Oh and I saw Quantum of Solace.... it was good, too many quick cuts for my liking, a few slow bits, but the opening theme and titles were AWESOME! and the ending was pretty cool as well! :D

toronto, knitting, shopping, movies, christmas

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