"Will you still be working at the Yarn Barn?"

Jul 23, 2008 19:14

Sooooooooooooo... last night I finished knitting my first pair of socks!!!! I still need to take a picture of them, but I finished sock number 2, gave them a quick hand wash, and if you can believe it, they're still a bit damp! Wool takes a long time to dry apparently. LOL

But you know you're addicted to something when you dream about it - like last night... I dreamt that Ray and I were driving somewhere, and we drove by the Yarn Barn (a very fictional place from Donnie Darko)! LOL We actually did go in though... and I know it was a dream cause they had this huge ball of Angora on for $5. Hahahaha!

Anyway, I'm just chillin out, surfin the net and slashfairy sent me some awesome knitting patterns and one of them, I have to buy the PDF for because they're Rivendell socks! Wooooooooo they're really pretty and waaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond my skill level, but still, they're pretty and I hope one day I can make them :)

knitting, socks

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