*snort* mmmmffff Waffles!!

Jul 31, 2008 20:57

I have been so tired/lazy lately - well, not last night. Last night was the night of 3 loads of laundry and cooking a roast with all the fixins while I did the laundry. But before that, it's been movies with Ray and knitting socks on the couch... going to bed at a little after midnight and getting up at 7 to go to work. Every day too I say that I'm going to have a nap when I get home. Do you think that I actually do it? No, there's always something that has to be done or I end up being more hungry than tired.

So this weekend (especially Saturday) is going to be me sleeping in, and hopefully not getting a horrendous headache like I did this last Sunday - Migraine more like though. The nice ones where you feel queasy and light burns your eyes out and makes your brain pound with your heartbeat so hard that you think it'll come dribbling out your ears. Sorry for the graphic description but.... it hurt, really bad, even after ibuprofen.

I really don't like complaining about being tired though, cause really, it's my own fault for staying up late. Well, if it's any consolation to the bags under my eyes... I have some really cool socks and neat new skillz yo.

*hugs to all*

knitting, work

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