"Hey Llama! How bout a little somethin, you know, for the effort?"

Jul 07, 2008 19:35

So I had a pretty good weekend. Went out to dinner with friends on Friday night to Philly Avenue (mmmmm poutine) and they absolutely loved all the food (Ray and I have been recruiting and have been succeeding). Then had a Buffy marathon on Saturday and worked on a birthday present for Ray's mum (I'll have pics of that when it's done too).

But yesterday me, my Mum and Nana went out to Pelham to visit an alpaca farm!!! Yes, my quest for knitting went to the extreme to get some really nice yarn and to see some really cute animals! Some of them were only days old and born on Saturday!!! The lady that ran the farm said that she had 50 babies born in 3 weeks! That's a lot of little alpacas :)

Still, we went to the shop and before you even go in, there were long tables of fleece drying in the sun, all curly and soft, it was really neat. And then we went inside and browsed the shop - where there were bags upon bags of fleece to be sent away to be milled and spun. They had yarn of all different colours and different blends - Alpaca/wool, Alpaca/Angora, even with acrylic and such. They also had premade things; scarves, shawls, mittens and slippers lined with lamb's wool, imported goods from Peru, lots of nice stuff. And, she just sent a whole bunch of fleece off to the mill to be spun and when it gets back, she'll have 22 different colours of yarn! I bought 4 skeins of this really fine creamy yarn to make a scarf I saw in a Debbie Bliss book, Mum got one 100g skein of a really pretty blue yarn, and Nana got 2 100g skeins of green yarn to make socks!

It was a great day even though it was soooooo hot out and when we got back to Mum's, Nana showed me how to work the heel on the pair of socks I'm making. At home, I kept going on the heel and then when that was done (I stopped cause I don't want to mess up shaping the heel), I worked on the 8 inches of ribbing on the other sock while watching 6 episodes of Supernatural S2! I...was blind and wound up and I still wanted to knit, but I was so tired.

But... that was so much fun! I just had to share, and take a peek behind the cut below for pix!!!

Little not so baby Alpaca in the small barn right when you arrive!

These two liked to watch you as you walked by and munch on their food!

Mom and Nana looking at lots and lots of fleece!


One of many of the little babies!!

Chocolatey baby!!!

This one liked the shade, I don't blame him ;)

Mom and baby - I couldn't tell if he was too young to open his eyes, or if he was sleepy - either way they're all just super cute.

knitting, alpaca, yarn

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