[Fai did not initially go through the little door. Not immediately, anyway. It was only after he had exhausted all of his other options not counting magic, but magic is clearly not an option that he took the key and tried it in the little door. Kurogane had been gone an awfully long time now. Perhaps the mansion had taken him somewhere else...like
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Good day! Would you care for some tea?
Thank you...but I'm afraid I'll have to pass. [He's almost grown used to giving excuses for not eating or drinking, ever, and the smile he gives looks a little weary.] I'd hate to be so unsociable though. ...Could you perhaps tell me where I am?
Where~ever you'd like this to be.
I don't suppose you know anything about these buttons?
There's not much to say for them; everyone has a pair -- or perhaps one? -- here.
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