fuck fuck fuck

Dec 03, 2010 16:17

I need to get a job DESPERATLY!!!!
 and one that pays at least £1000 a month!! Y_Y
 were like...weeks away from declaring bankrupt :(
my dad's the only one bringing in any money, and we may have to move soon, if we do move it wont be we..it will be them. Y_Y
 this sucks!!!

im really not feeling christmasy at all!!!!

my parents say i shouldnt worry, but... im 21!!! i should be able to support my family!! were barely getting £1200 a month!! and were spending well over that in rent, bills and groceries!! plus we have to get a new car (costing £600 thankfully as mums on motobility), dad nears new glasses £260, lots of dental work after breaking his teeth on a sweet (another £200 +) and nic and mum need all thier prescriptions!!! im only giving £100 how the hell is that helping T_T

the annoying thing is the longer im off work, the harder it will be to get a job, as no-one really wants to hire someone who hasnt worked in 8months!! i know ive been a carer, but to an employer, its the same as being jobless and a bum Y_Y

gah Y_Y

what do i doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

c'moooon, christmas miracle please Y_Y...pleeeeeeeeeeeease Y_Y
also... im gunna be stuck in on new years D:...which means ive gotta sit around making cups of coffee for everyone while we mope about, and go to sleep at 8 y-y.... suuuuck

i'll try n post cheerier soon... honest xx
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