Dec 02, 2010 19:38

Im so bloomin... exhausted n flusterd at the mo Y_Y

so like....4 years ago or something i managed to do nerve and muscle damage to my neck by simply waking up!!
 the hospital said, it was pretty bad damage, but they couldnt do anything except pain relief (the squishy neck brace things can apparently do more harm than good to muscle damage, as they can set wierdly, and they neck needs to get the strength back to hold up the head...or something wierd?)
that was like four years ago!!! in my first year of college!!!  which is ridiculous..i was told it would take 3months for the neck to be back to a normal strength, but it would proboly be left with a permenant weakness to things like headbanging n what not?
 nut its crazy!!! i mean stupidly ive been to theme parks since, and the speed of rollercoasters forces my head forwards which weakens the neck, and ive been in pain for a week after... but thats my own silliness XD, but now i cant even sneeze without putting my neck into spasm...which SUCKS when youve got a cold... i actually have to hold my chin up wth one hand and cover my mouth with the over XD... it sounds realy lame, but its a pain in the arse!!
 im having to sleep upright with a ^ shaped pillow, just to support my neck because i keep waking up in pain, and cant turn over :(

its so lame, but its really getting at me now, im tempted to go see the doctor about it, but ...what can be done!! i was told it would leave me with a permanent weakness..but like... UGH...i dont want it XD  its stupid how much i rely on my neck XD... it also puts me in difficulty with helping mum, as i cant like hold/support her in some ways, and when helping her dress, i cant like bend n swing my arms as much??
 hmm its hard to explain, but yeah im feeling really sucky about it at the moment ^^;

in other news...
 i seem to be hooked on wrapping stuff?  i love it O.O!!!!
 also, still looking for a job, or someway of getting money from photography but.....meh :/ i dunno ^^;

laterz xxx
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