overdue quirky meme

Nov 05, 2007 18:28

EDIT: I can't tell you who tagged me because LJ is gay.

Rules of the meme are as follows:
1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.

1. When eating a wrap or burrito, I cannot set it down after I've started eating it no matter what! The reason being I'm positive I will not be able to pick it back up again neatly. So any side dish or drinks will have to wait!

2. I collect chopstick wrappers you get from restaurants. I guess I think they're cute or something. Unfortunately, every asian cuisine place in the LA area gets their chopsticks from the same manufaturer, and all the wrappers are the same. There were some real cool ones in Texas! But it's something to look forward to when I get to travel. I don't even really know what I'm going to do with them in the end...

3. I'm a very good listener. And I'm not saying that in a braggy tone -- if anything it's a curse. Peoplecan sense this about me, I have been used in several cases for this, and have heard some terrible things from complete strangers that they felt the need to share with me. Also I can't seem to forget anything anyone has ever said about me, or anyone else for that matter. One time I heard these two kids in class have the exact same conversation they had maybe five weeks before, like it was new to them. Open your ears people!

4. I have the eerie ability of knowing exactly what someone else is about to say. I don't know if I can just read people and their character well, if it's some kind of esp, or maybe an atmospheric message; but I hear "I was about to say that exact same thing!" atleast four times a day. I should have been a detective...

5. Whenever I have a typo, and a letter is left behind from deleting the incorrect word, I will find a way to fit it into the new replacement word. That's right, instead of starting from a blank palette, I will type around this leftover letter.

6. I hate feathers! Especially the kind that fall out of cheap throw pillows. I won't touch them, I just usually cry about them. I find them vile, like a bird's toe nail clipping or flake of skin. It's gross.

7. I take really really hot showers. Always have. They're so hot, that Will has to check the level of pink that my skin is before he feels like braving the water temperature I've chosen for my shower. We call this the "pinkometer". I won't feel clean unless it's friggin' hot.

I double tag
thecopilot, and
chrysolite, and I single tag

Last week was awesome! Halloween couldn't have turned out better. We finally officially met our neighbors, and have since been hanging out with them on a nightly/daily basis. I feel social again, and I really needed it. One neighbor is helping me learn Flash, another is going to teach me how to knit, and yet another has offered to cut our hair! Finally, I have people to bake for -- I hate just baking for me and Will, it seems silly. Pictures are still coming, the complex is making a collective CD. PS- I hate LiveJournal
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